Funny shorts (AKA Chapter 9)

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Imagine Wolverine trying to go through the metal detectors and getting stopped by airport security and being pulled aside.

And Bucky Barnes just standing to the side and he's like "you too?"

And Tony Stark offers them some dried blueberries.

Peter Parker: *holding two sparklers*

Peter Parker: Mr. Loki, look! I'm Doctor Strange! *does flailing arm dance with sparklers*

Loki: *loses his mind*

Loki: *tells peter to do it again, this time he records it and sends it to Dr. Strange with the caption "this is u"*

How stupid do u think the Hogwarts teachers felt when their traps, which were designed for the stinking LORD VOLDEMORT, were beaten by three eleven year olds.

Burglar: If you want to live, give me all your money.

Sirius: Bold of you to assume I want to live.

Remus: Bold of you to assume I have money.

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