Funny little things (AKA Chapter 11)

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^This, believe it or not, was the result of a rushed school project. I have no regrets. NONE.

Funny fact: Iron Man is part of the Illuminati in the comics.

Bucky: *kicks down door*

Peter: JeSuS!

Bucky: Nah, it's just me, can u explain this meme


I saw this and I HAD to include this bc it made me happy:

Steve Rogers is in Slytherin. I don't care how nice or good he is, people aren't sorted based on that.

YES, he's brave, but anyone who's watched the first hour and a half of Captain America: the First Avenger knows that he LIED on his FEDERAL FORMS because he so badly wanted to join the army. His ambition was to join the army and he was willing to do whatever was necessary to make that happen. He was ruthlessly effective. He was clever, determined, resourceful, and a leader, which are all main Slytherin traits. 

"....And then Satan said, 'Let there be incomplete fanfiction on the internet.'"

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