Two funny things and A Headcannon (AKA Chapter 7)

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New Year's Resolution: Become the embodiment of the feeling you get when you hear the sound of someone in heels walking across the floor.

Things not to trust, according to the Herondald brothers:


Girlfriend's brothers




And did I mention DUCKS already

Imagine the avengers playing hide and seek in the Tower and Bucky is always a master at hiding, so Steve and Sam use a metal detector to find him, like:

"Bucky, we know you're in the couch."

*muffled swearing from Bucky inside the couch cushions*

The next time they play, Buck takes off his arm and hides it, and when they find the arm, Steve legit starts swearing and then laughing and Bucky starts laughing so hard he falls out of the vents, bringing Clint,  who was secretly filming the whole thing, with him.

Tony learns of "The Hide and go Seek Event" and has Friday post it on his social media.

Now every time someone Clint sees Steve he says "lAnGuAgE cAp" and everyone within hearing range either starts giggling or failing to contain their smile.

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