Three Funny LOTR things (AKA Chapter 8)

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OK, probably more than three funny things, but LOL oh well

Aragorn: Do you want to talk about your feelings Legolas?

Legolas: No.

Gimli: I do.

Aragorn: I know, Gimli.

Gimli: I'm sad.

Aragorn: I know, Gimli.

Legolas: There's an elvish proverb that goes like this, "Lies are like orcs, they are bad."

Gimli: That's it?!

Legolas: I've moved past having a depressive episode.

Frodo: oh, that's great.

Legolas: I'm actually having a depressive series, lol already on season 8

Aragorn: ???

Gandalf, to Aragorn: Merry Christmas!

Pippin, sulking, muttering: MERRY Christmas, why can't it be PIPPIN Christmas?

Merry, whispering to Pippin: What about SECOND Christmas?

warning: the tiny bit of funny below makes me laugh loudly every time i see it, prepare urself

Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it. Let's go hurtling straight into a sliding glass door and die.

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