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The time of you in this world is ticking
ever so quickly for every second
that's wasted is you drowning yourself in loss,
realising the speed in which things go
will only make you realise to change the ways
you live your life as every moment has a cost

The beat in your heart continues to pump
but we all know that one day
it'll find the energy to look around and stop,
seeing how to have the best life while not
forgetting our purpose on this Earth
is the feeling we want to develop

Find believers who will help you out of their
concern and love for you, for Allah's sake
being something you cannot understand,
take continuous steps to improve your iman
as you want your last words on Earth to be
La ilaha illAllah

A poem based on (Quran 103:2)

‎إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ

Most surely man is in loss

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