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(a.k.a Anna)

Onto the interview!!!!!


1. How did you find out about wattpad?

I was on Quizilla for a long time but they changed it and it sucked so I went looking for other sites. I came across FanFic first but I'm not a fan fiction writer. I have begun a Harry Potter one though.

2. Can you relate to any of your stories?

I relate most with "I hate you...I think" and "Love Me Always" most because the relationship between Oliver and Ever is based of my own personal relationship.

3. What are your hobbies?

I love writing, of course. That is my main one, but I draw, paint, and read too. Anything in arts and crafts basically. I have a big imagination and need outlets for it or my brain might implode lol

4. Are you more of a reader or a writer?

I'm more of a writer. I started writing before I ever started reading anything. I do enjoy reading a lot though.

5. What is your favorite story at the moment on Wattpad?

At the moment it is tied between "Side Kicking It" and "Living With The Walker Boys". I love both of those books at the moment. My need to read comes and goes though. Sometimes I just don't feel like reading or writing and that could go on for awhile until I force myself to write and then it all comes back. I'm one strange cookie :)

6. How did you get inspirations for your stories?

My inspiration comes from everything I see, hear, touch, or taste. Sounds strange but one day I was sitting in the car and saw a butterfly and I picked up a scrap of paper and wrote out a a whole chapter about fairies. My imagination runs wild all the time and it never stops. Even when I lay down to sleep at night ideas are running through my head. It makes it terribly awful to try and sleep so music helps drown the thoughts out.

7. What is the strangest /funniest /nicest /most embarrassing thing a fan has said or asked?

So fan the strangest funniest thing has been "Upload now or I'll fling a taco at you." lol People comment all the time that they love and can relate to my stories. If it wasn't for my amazing fans then I don't know where I'd be.

8. What story do you have the most fun writing and why?

The most fun I have had writing a story is one I'm working on that isn't finished yet. I'm not good with comedy stories but I'm trying to write one about a super hero guy who really doesn't have powers but he thinks he does and has a side kick who doodles all the time and the drawings come to life. It's amusing but probably crappy cause I don't write comedy well.

9. Whose your favorite character from one of your stories?

One of my favorite characters is Jace from "Conjuring Darkness" He proves that you don't have to see to fall in love. He was my most challenging character to write because I have never met anyone who is blind but also going blind is a fear of mine as I had issues with my own eyes and was told that before long I will go blind from it. It you've never seen what this world can hold you can't miss it, but I have seen and I know what I will be missing.

10. What character in your stories do you think you resemble the most?

All my main female characters are me in some way or another. I write them like I would act. They are like the many different sides of my personality

11. Who is your favorite author on Wattpad and what really strikes you about their work?

My favorite author, as well as many other Wattpad's, is Jordan Lynde a.k.a. XxSkater2Girl16xX. I love her work. I relate to her a lot. She like action/romance and so do I. What strikes me the most is how here characters flow through out the book. Her writing isn't so detailed it makes you bored but it's just enough to keep you interested.

12. What is your favorite theme/genre to write about?

Favorite genre is romance. All of my books have romance in them, if they didn't you should be worried lol

13. If you could work with any other writer, who would it be?

There are many very talented writers out there but I am more of a solo person. I would love to co-write with someone but I'm afraid I'm to bossy and picky about things. I'd probably drive them crazy.

14. Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?

Yes, a lot of what goes into my work is based off events in my life. I feel that if I didn't experience the events than the reader couldn't feel the passion behind what I write. Every single story I write I put everything I have into it. On some novels when I have never been somewhere or done something I do so much research to try and make it accurate that I get consumed in it. It I don't have a logical explanation for something than it don't go into the story.

15. Anything fun about yourself that you want your fans to know?

Lol fun? I don't know if that word describes me. I spend most of my life writing. But, with people I am super sarcastic. It's like a second language. I pick a lot. If someone says something I twist it around into something cleaver and funny or try to anyways. I also enjoy violence. Not literally but I have a stick I call "Anna's dictator stick" and I threaten to beat people with it if they don't mind me :)


So here you go! This was an interview with one of my favorite authors on wattpad! Go check out her stories!!!!!!

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