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1. How did you find out about wattpad?

~ I found out about it because I was trying to find something new to

read and it was one of the sites that came up, so I checked it out!:)

2. Can you relate to any of your stories?

~Um... kind of. I relate to Tay's emotions sometimes, but that's about


3.what are your hobbies?

~Writing, obviously. I love reading, sleeping, hanging out with

friends, just.. having a good time:)

4. Are you more of a reader or a writer?

~Writer, definitely:)

5. What is your favorite story at the moment on wattpad?

~Ongoing? I'd have to say "Saving My Angel", honestly. It's amazingly

well written and makes you want to scream at parts!

6. How did you get inspirations for your stories?

~Anywhere, really. I can get an idea from an interaction with someone,

or maybe I'll see someone arguing and create an entire scenario for

them. It can come from anywhere!:)

7. What is the strangest/funniest/nicest/most embarrassing thing a fan

has said or asked?

~Haha there's so many things!! Actually a friend of mine recently

cheered me up using lame pick up lines. He's pretty hilarious:)

8. What story do you have the most fun writing and why?

~Just One Night! It just seemed like THE story for me. I don't know if

I'll ever write anything better than I wrote that:)

9. Whose your favorite character from one of your stories?

~I'd have to say Rania from Just One Night. Tay's cool, too, but

Rania's the best friend that, though slightly ditzy sometimes, is


10. What character in your stories do you think you resemble the most?

~Taylor from Just One Night. Her thought process is based on mine, so

definitely her:)

11. Who is your favorite author on wattpad and what really strikes you

about their work?

~It's hard to pick one! I really like makeandoffer though. Her stories

are hilarious, and have just the right amount of cliche, romance, and

humor in them to just capture attentions and be amazing!

12. What is your favorite theme/genre to write about?

~Romance, definitely. It's hard for me to write NON-Romantic stories,


13. If you could work with any other writer, who would it be?

~In the world? J.K. Rowling. She's my idol! On Wattpad? NatTheWeirdo.

Our ideas always seem to bounce off each other until we create

something awesome anyway!

14. Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?

~Um, kind of. Sometimes I'll ask around for help and I'll use someone's

experience to write something.

15. Anything fun about yourself that you want your fans to know?

~Um... I have good friends that think I'm fun to be around. They answered this question for me. They're called Kailee and Quyen. <3

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