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1. How did you find out about Wattpad? 

* Randomly stumbled upon it one day, looking for a story to read.

2. Can you relate to any of your stories? 

* Yes and no. My stories are mostly teacher/student love stories and I've never had a relationship like that, but I have fell in love.

3. What are your hobbies? 

* I love to write and sometimes read haha. I like to bake, cookies, cakes and what not. So much more but I'm not going to go on and on. :)

4. Are you more of a reader or a writer? 

* Writer because my mind is almost always full of ideas. I love being able to write something and have people from all over love it. I do read too but not as much as I write.

5. What is your favorite story at the moment on wattpad? 

* Don't really have one. :[

6. How did you get inspirations for your stories? 

* Random things I guess. I honestly cannot say.

7. What is the strangest/funniest/nicest/most embarrassing thing a fan has said or asked? 

* I haven't really gotten any strange, funny, or embarrassing messages...Yet! I get a lot of nice messages though. But one of the nicest messages I've ever gotten was from one girl told me that my stories inspired her. It brightened up my day for sure. I get a lot of nice messages but this one sticks out.

8. What story do you have the most fun writing and why? 

* I have fun writing all my stories, but if I had to pick just one it would have to be 'Life's A Party or Is It' because the main characters were troublemakers and pranksters who liked to have fun. I had many laughs while writing it.

9. Whose your favorite character from one of your stories? 

* All of them. Umm I guess Savannah from 'Life's A Party or Is It'.

10. What character in your stories do you think you resemble the most? 

* None if them really. I have yet to make a character like myself...but I'm thinking about it. ;)

11. Who is your favorite author on wattpad and what really strikes you about their work? 

* Sadly I don't have one :[

12. What is your favorite theme/genre to write about? 

* Romance I guess.

13. If you could work with any other writer, who would it be? 

* No idea, sadly :[

14. Do you use real-life facts based on true stories? 

* Yes.

15. Anything fun about yourself that you want your fans to know? 

* I can't think of anything. How sad! But they are free to ask me whatever they want. :)

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