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1.How did you find out about wattpad?

I actually can't remember how I found out about wattpad lol I'm sure I was looking for free books to read and wandered upon it.

2. Can you relate to any of your stories?

My current story I can't relate to it since it's about werewolves. The characters though are somewhat relatable with their mixed personality. For example Angel the main character loves kids movies, I myself find myself fascinated by children's movies... I'll even go to the theater to watch them, but of course I take my little cousins or some kid with me so I won't look like a creep.

3. What are your hobbies?

Hobbies... I wouldn't say I have many anymore other than writing, I used to read a lot on wattpad, but the quality of books have gone down in the last for years and I hate reading Fanfics and anything about Justin Beiber, One Direction, The Wanted etc... but being in college really take a lot of time out of any extracurricular activities. I do hang out with my friends and we'll occasionally act like dorks.

4. Are you more of a reader or a writer?

As I mentioned before I used to read a lot, but not anymore so I'll say a writer more.

5. What is your favorite story at the moment on wattpad?

At the moment my favorite wattpad story by far is Burn into me and The Lost Boys. It was written back in 2011 sadly they're mostly published now.

6. How did you get inspirations for your stories?

Honestly I have no inspirations for my story. I was bored and decided to throw something on wattpad since I couldn't find anything to read lol I didn't know anyone would read it like everyone is now.

7. What is the strangest/funniest/nicest/most embarrassing thing a fan has said or asked?

Okay so I have three different profiles not many people know this, but I write on each one with each being a specific genre. I'm not sure who this person was, but they messaged me saying that they would like to get to know me. I thought it was just a friendly wattpad thing/ casual conversation, then I received a email with an attachment, at first I thought it must be a fan cover... well it wasn't a fan cover it was a nude picture lol .... I was shocked and found it to be completely weird but funny.... I had to delete/ block that person...

8. What story do you have the most fun writing and why?

Well since there's only one story of mine out on my wattpad page, I would say Mate lol I find it fun writing the characters personality.

9. Who's your favorite character from one of your stories?

By far my favorite character is Angel. She's completely crazy, naïve and hilarious. I find it fun and entertaining to write in her POV, which is funny because most people hate her personality lol, but I honestly just wanted her to be different from all the main characters in wolf stories, because they're either depressed, angry at the world or too arrogant while Angel is just the opposite.

10. What character in your stories do you think you resemble the most?

I wouldn't say I resemble any character my inner child would be Angel only to some extent though.

11. Who is your favorite author on wattpad and what really strikes you about their work?

I currently don't have a favorite author on wattpad, if I did it would probably be from 2011 and I have no clue what their names are anymore.

12. What is your favorite theme/genre to write about?

Romance and Comedy.

13. If you could work with any other writer, who would it be?

James Patterson. I've always admired his works. Especially when I was younger with the Maximum Ride series. He's actually the author that got me started on reading at a young age. I also love his Alex Cross series.

14. Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?

No, I don't use real-life facts in the story Mate, but my other works I usually use my personal experiences. Some of the stories would probably be considered a true story to some extent, but most of my fans don't know that.

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