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(a.k.a Tori)

1. How did you find out about wattpad?

- I found out about wattpad maybe three years ago through my friend at school who reads fan fiction.

2. Can you relate to any of your stories?

-I can definitely relate to anything I write. Even if its only one aspect, I feel a need to have some connection to my writings.

3.what are your hobbies?

-I sing a lot, I ride horses and I work taking care of the horses at the stable.

4. Are you more of a reader or a writer?

-I'm probably honestly more of a writer. I spend a lot of time writing. But I still love reading.

5. What is your favorite story at the moment on wattpad?

-My favorite story on wattpad currently is "The Secrets Out", "Handcuffed Love", or "Gone Beyond Repair"

6. How did you get inspirations for your stories?

- I get inspiration from lyrics of songs I listen to, conversations I have with people or just my life experiences.

7. What is the strangest/funniest/nicest/most embarrassing thing a fan has said or asked?

-I think it was someone telling me that they wanted to strangle one of my charecters with a twizzler because that's what they had in their hands at the moment. Good times.

8. What story do you have the most fun writing and why?

-I have had fun writing Behind Closed Doors a lot because I like writing emotional sections or romantic interactions.

9. Whose your favorite character from one of your stories?

-My favorite charecter is most likely Will because he's very sweet and sensitive. But I also love Shane because he's fun to write.

10. What character in your stories do you think you resemble the most?

- I honestly think I resemble Rainah the most because I don't have much confidence, I tend to put others before myself and I'm not very comfortable with guys touching me.

11. Who is your favorite author on wattpad and what really strikes you about their work?

- I love JadedViolet's writing because she is very descriptive. She also loves keeping her readers on edge.

12. What is your favorite theme/genre to write about?

- I love writing romance, particularly forbidden romance.

13. If you could work with any other writer, who would it be?

- I would love to work with Tahereh Mafi who wrote a book called "Shatter Me" because she was very good at getting into a more vulnerable charecters head.

14. Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?

- I use a lot of real life facts because it makes a fictional story more realistic.

15. Anything fun about yourself that you want your fans to know?

-I'm pretty sensitive about my writing. I'm the type of person who is typing and then a person comes over and I minimize the document. I don't want people I know to read my work because it just makes me uncomfortable.

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