9- The Pirates and the Archer

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I had heard the stories, from overhearing the other guards of my cell, from River himself boasting, even from Cain speaking quietly with the Emperor as he passed by the barred window on their way to the training fields. But I'd never actually seen him shoot, and holy goddess, the stories were not over exaggerated.

I'd never seen anyone shoot the way River did. Not only did he shoot one arrow after another with such speed that my eyes could hardly keep up, but each hit a target with such precision I could barely believe what my eyes were telling me.

His quick, lean body moved with a fluidity I usually only saw when we made love, in a sensual, almost musical dance that had my steps faltering even as I leapt toward him. He was only a few feet from the doorway of the inn, his body low, his hands moving deftly and surely, never wavering, never pausing as he let loose a torrential rain of death down on the men and women making their way through the small town, leaving blood and destruction in their wake.

I watched as two pirates went down almost simultaneously, an arrow through each of their right eyes. Another just a few feet behind them fell to her knees, her eyes wide as she clutched at the end of the arrow that stuck from her throat, having nearly shot all the way through her neck. She tipped to the side after only a second, her eyes rolling up in their sockets as she gurgled out a wet scream.

The innkeeper was only a few feet ahead of River, seemingly keeping the smaller man safe as he took out pirates that streamed towards us with horrifying numbers.

My instincts took over and I felt my shift begin to tear through my body against my will in my body's instinctive, horrified drive to protect what was mine. I roared, the sound morphing even as my clothes tore and my body grew. From human fury to animal rage, I screamed out my unfiltered, frenzied wrath. River didn't flinch or show any other sign he knew I was there as I moved up next to him, my maw open wide, showing off teeth longer and sharper than any dagger. He only glanced up once, barely pausing in his shooting, and huffed out a grunt.

"You done being a coward?" he taunted, and I stopped roaring to snort down at him. Then I was moving, leaping atop the pirate who had gotten far too close to my mate and raised her sword against him.

Against what was mine.

Mine! I screamed down at her as her blood filled my mouth, her life leaving her as I glared up at my mate and lumbered back over to him.

I pressed my now bloody snout against his arm and he huffed out an irritated grunt. "Gross! Stop it. Fight, Griffin. I'm not leaving until Aqer is safe."

I growled at him and shoved my head up against his side, trying to push him behind me, where he would be safe, protected by my many-times larger body, but he snarled out an expletive and shoved as hard as he could against my flank. His strength didn't budge me, but he moved around me anyways, his glare hard as he pointed a finger in my face. There was chaos all around us, men and women dying, screaming in pain, blood pouring through the streets, but I felt only pride as my mate scolded me. He looked like courage incarnate. Like a warrior. Like a man fit to be the mate to a great mage.

Not like the poor schmuck stuck to a life with me.

"Get out of my way, you big oaf!" he hissed, and I opened my jaw and roared, right in his face. He grunted out an annoyed sound, flicked my muzzle hard with two of his fingers, making me sneeze and dip my head back and down instinctively to escape the sharp, annoying pain, and nocked another arrow to his bow as he stepped easily and fluidly around me.

"Shut it and kill pirates, you asshole. You and me, we're gonna talk later about fucking everything, you better fucking believe that, but for now, protect your mate. Keep me safe while I protect this town."

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