Chapter 61

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"She's so beautiful!" Freddie said "Are you sure she's Brian's child?" He said jokingly

"Hey!" Brian punched Freddie's arm

I laughed softly as I held my daughter in my arms

"I wish my dad was here, he would be such an amazing grandfather" I said as I sighed sadly

I felt a hand on my shoulder "I'm sure he would. And he's surely proud of you" Brian said and kissed my forehead

*1 month later*

I heard Nicole crying in the night, Brian sat up on the bed and I put my hand on his

"I've got this, go back to sleep" I said

"But-" I didn't let him finish the sentence

"You've got a concert tomorrow, go back to sleep" I continued and headed to Nicole's room

I haven't slept a full hour since Nicole was born but I'm not complaining, I love being her mom and taking care of her. I'm the luckiest woman in the world!

As I was feeding her I heard noises coming from the bushes outside of the window. I carefully layed Nicole in the baby crib and went to check it out.

*Brian's POV*

I heard a loud scream from Nicole's room. I got up and ran to the room only to find Nicole crying in her crib and Diane sitting on the floor next to the window. I grabbed Nicole in my arms trying to calm her down and kneeled in front of Diane.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I asked

"There was someone watching me and Nicole through the window, he was hiding in the bushes" Diane cried out

I looked out of the window and saw no one.

"Whoever it was must've left with the screaming, did you see who it was?" I asked

"No, but I know it was a man but I didn't see his face" She replied as she held Nicole against her chest

"I'll check the bushes in the morning and notify the police, go lay down and I'll stay here with Nicole" I said

"No! We're not leaving her in this room!" She got up, grabbed my hand and held the baby with her other hand as she pulled me to our bedroom

*Diane's POV*

*The next morning*

I didn't sleep at all last night, the thought of this strange man watching me through the window was terrifying, I can't even imagine what could've happened to Nicole if I hadn't gone to check on her. We called the police but they couldn't help us a lot, but they said they would have a police officer drive around the neighborhood at night in case the strange man tried to come back.

I went shopping for baby things with Veronica trying to get my mind off the incident.

"I don't understand who would do something that creepy?" Veronica wondered

"I don't either, but I don't want to think about it anymore" I sighed

We did our shopping and headed to a coffee shop but something felt off. I felt like we were being followed but I could just be paranoid so I didn't think much of it.

We sat down at the coffee shop and I had Nicole sitting in her stroller. I noticed a little girl staring at us. She seemed oddly familiar, she was sitting and a table across the room with her parents, her mom looked very familiar as well.

She waved at me and smiled, I waved back at her and kept talking to Veronica.

"Do you know that girl?" Veronica asked

"I think so. She does look very familiar though." I replied

She looked at the girl "She looks like she could be your daughter, she almost looks like you. Do you have a secret kid?" She asked jokingly

"I think I would know it." I replied and laughed then I had a sudden memory of the girl "Oh God, that's Natalia! I met her and her mom a while ago. They were both so sweet! Should I go say hello?" I asked

"Well, sure, why not?" She replied

I got up and walked towards Natalia and her parents. She happily run to me and gave me a hug

"Hello Natalia!" I said while smiling

"Hi Miss Diane, you remembered me!" She said "Mom! Miss Diane is here!" She yelled at her mom and pulled me to their table

"It's nice to see you again Diane" Her mom said and shook my hand "Where have been all this time?" She asked

"Yeah, I had to get off the public eye cause I got pregnant and I wanted to focus on my baby girl" I replied

"Aww you had a baby? Congratulations! Is she with you right now?" She asked

"Yeah, let me go get her" I went back to my table and took Nicole into my arms and walked back to their table

Both Natalia and her mom kept looking at Nicole, but the dad wasn't reacting to anything, he seemed busy reading the newspaper

"What's her name?" Natalia asked

"Her name is Nicole, I named her after my dad" I replied

The man visibly flinched at my statement.

"She has the same name as my husband!"  She said "Isn't that right dear?" She asked

"Yes darling" He giggled and looked at me

I looked back at him, it couldn't be real, this man is the spitting image of my dad

"It's nice to see you again Diane.." He smiled

"Have we met before?" I asked clearly confused

"I mean, I helped bring you into the world so-"

"No. I'm- I have to go.." I said and was about to leave but he grabbed my hand

"Diane, it's me, your dad.." He said

"Sir, my father passed away 15 years ago. Please let me go." I replied trying to hold it together

Veronica saw what happened and walked next to me with Nicole's stroller "Diane are you okay?" She asked

"Get me out of here.. Please.." I begged as I put Nicole back into her stroller

"Diane, please, I have to explain a lot to you.." He said

"No." I said and walked away with Nicole

"Diane, please!" He yelled

"She said no! Leave her alone!" Veronica yelled at him and followed me

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