Chapter 39

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I looked at Brian and Roger as they impatiently waited for my answer.

"I don't think I should say.." I said

"Say what darling?" Freddie said as he stood at the door

"Nothing!" I said

"Diane was just telling us about the umm cost of the house.." Brian tried to change the subject

"Oh, okay. So are you guys coming back in?" He said

"Sure.." I said and me and Brian walked back in while Roger stayed outside to smoke.

The guys sat on the couch as I poured more vodka in our glasses. Freddie wasn't doing well and I wish I could talk to him but I barely know him. The rest of the night went by smoothly. The alcohol was starting to take over.

I decided to make some coffee to sober up. I tried to stand on my feet as I was making the coffee. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw a drunk Freddie looking at me

"What did Mary say to you?" He asked

"Uhhh..I think you should sit down.." I said

He clumsily pulled a chair and sat down. I poured the coffee in the mugs and I handed him one.

"I'd rather not be sober when I hear this" he said and left the mug on the table "Now tell me!" He said

"I'm just going to say it..Mary thinks you're cheating on her with guys" I said

"W-wait..she really said that? How does she know?" He asked

"I don't know, but is it true?" I asked

He looked down and didn't say anything.

"I know you don't even know me like you know the guys, but you can talk to me." I said

"She told me about what you said.." he said

"She did?" I asked

" agreed with her, and I don't mind." He said with a bitter look on his face

"Excuse me? I never agreed with what she said!" I defended myself

"You're telling me that she lied to me?" He sighed

"Yes!" I said

He got up "I refuse to believe that." He mumbled

"Freddie I'm bisexual!" I said pretty loud

"What?" He looked at me

"You heard me! I would be such a hypocrite if I agreed with her exactly because I'm bisexual. If you still think I'm some kind of homophobe then I can't change your mind. I don't know why she lied and even if I was straight, I would never agree with her because what she said was just plain cruel" I said and I picked up the tray with the mugs and headed to the living room

"Diane wait.." Freddie said as he followed me

"I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but the truth is that I'm not the person she made you think I am, and it breaks my heart that you thought even for a second that I might not understand what you're going through. Not all people understand and I get that but get to know of someone first and then make the assumption that they'll not understand!" I said and I walked in the living room

"Is everything okay?" John asked

"Yes.." I said as I handed the mugs to the guys "This will sober you up"

They took a sip from their coffees and they immediately spit it out

"Oh my god it's so bitter!" Roger said "next time you make coffee just so you know I drink it with 1 and 3/7 sugars" he said

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