The birth of the twins

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"My water just broke" I said and I tried to be calm

Brian on the other hand started panicking.

"Are you serious?" He asked

"No..I just wanted to scare you..OF COURSE I'M SERIOUS!" I said and I tried to get up

He helped me get up and we rushed to the hospital. They put me in a room with another woman.

"I'm going to call the others to let them know we're here.. I'll be right back" Brian said and walked out of the room

"So is this your first one?" The woman next to me asked

"Yeah it's my first..and they're twins" I said and I smiled

"Congratulations! This is my second one" she said and pointed at her belly

"Congratulations to you too" I said

I looked around. I fought the urge not to ask her about the father cause no one is with her in the room.

"I'm Diane by the way" I said

"I'm Elizabeth" she smiled

I felt a contraction coming and I screamed from the pain

"Do you want me to call a doctor?..that seemed like a really bad contraction!" She said

I took a deep breath "no I'm fine.. thank you"

Brian run into the room "I heard someone screaming. Is everyone alright?" He asked and he held my hand

"Yeah everyone is alright.." I said but I had another contraction and that hurt even more so I accidentally squeezed Brian's hand really hard.

I could see that I hurt him a little but he didn't want to say anything because he knows what I'm going through is more painful.

The doctor walked in and I couldn't stop asking why the babies are coming so soon

"It's totally normal when it comes to twin babies" the doctor said and tried to calm me down

"Well when you said that they might come earlier I thought you said a week before my due date" I started getting angry

"Calm down love..." Brian said and placed his hand on my shoulder

I immediately looked at him "what did you say?" I asked

"I said that I'm going to bring you some ice" he run out of the room

"Sweetie please go easy on him, he's just nervous" Elizabeth said

I sighed "fine.."

I got another contraction and it's the worse one yet..the doctor had to check me

"You're at 10cm.. it's time" he said

"Oh no.. no no..NO!" I yelled

Brian run in the room "what happened?" He asked

"The babies are coming!" The doctor said

Elizabeth wished me good luck and she told me something that I'll forever remember..she said "The birth will last some hours but you'll forget all of that once you see your babies" and that made calm down a little

*8 hours later*
~Brian's POV~

"It's a girl!!" I yelled from the happiness as I run out of the room

Everyone waited at the waiting room and I run to them.

"IT'S A GIRL!" I yelled again

"What does she look like?" Freddie asked

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