Chapter 54

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I was so tired of dancing all day, the choreographer,Chris, was so brutal and to be honest he is a little bitch, I don't like him at all!

"Diane! Focus!" Chris's voice echoed in the whole room and it even scared Freddie and Brian

"Maybe I would focus if you were a better choreographer!" I replied while trying to make it sound like I was joking

He let out a fake laugh "That's cute, now focus, and 1,2,3-!" He yelled

The music started playing and the backup dancers formed a circle around me. The whole choreography went smoothly, the transition to each song was so quick but me and all the dancers managed to get it done. At one part of the choreo I had to dance with another dancer. He was supposed to spin me around and let me go for another dancer to catch me. Everything went smoothly, the dancer started spinning me around and when he let me go everything went black.

*Brian's POV*

Diane looked so happy when she was dancing, although I must admit I got very jealous when I saw one of the dancers holding her in his arms. Chris yelled that it was time for the spin, my eyes were focused on her.

"That man over there seems distracted!" Freddie said

"So? He's not the one who's supposed to catch her" I replied

Freddie raised his hand to get Chris's attention but it was too late. The music started, the dancer started spinning Diane around and he let her go..but no one was there to catch her. I got up and start running towards her but it was too late. She tripped and hit her head on the floor.

Everyone stood there and starred at each other in shock. Chris bent over her and so did I.

"Which of you dumbasses was supposed to catch her?" He yelled as I tried to wake her up

The dancer that Freddie talked about took a stepped forward and I could see he was shaking.

*Diane's POV*

I opened my eyes and saw Brian holding me in his arms and Chris screaming like a lunatic.

"What happened?" I said with my hand on the side of my head while I was trying to get up

Brian helped me stand on my feet.

"You fucking idiot! We have a show tonight and you almost killed the performer!" He yelled at the dancer

"Hey hey hey! Stop screaming" I ordered 

"You're fired! Now get out."  Chris kept screaming at the guy and the poor guy was on the verge of crying

"Shut up! You're making my headache even worse!" I yelled and he stopped talking

"Are you okay?" Brian asked

"Yes, I'm fine don't worry.." I replied and walked up to the dancer "Can I speak to you in private?" I asked and we walked out of the room

"I'm so sorry Diane, it was an accident, I didn't mean to hurt you!" He cried

"Don't worry about it, I'm okay! Is everything okay with you?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm sorry I'm a little distracted, I have a lot on my mind, family problems, y'know.." he replied

"I understand.." I said "go home, I'll see you on Monday. Take the week off, I'll talk to Chris!" I said

He thanked me and left.

"You handled that like a professional!" Brian said

"We all have our bad days, it's such a shame to get punished for it." I said

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