What Have I Done?

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At 12am
I woke up and looked at the time. It was 12 am. I think I fell asleep around 9 pm which is good considering that I haven't slept in two weeks. I walked to the kitchen and made a toast, I took a bite and when I swallowed I started feeling sick.

I run to the bathroom and threw up and I got a stabbing pain to my stomach. I brushed my teeth and when I was done I took a look in the mirror.

The reflection of myself terrified me, I was too pale, like a vampire, my eyes were dark and I was so tiny. I was a thick girl before I left and now there was nothing left of me.

"What have I done to myself?" I yelled "Freddie was right! What is wrong with me?" I felt helpless at that point but I knew I had time to change myself back to normal

I heard someone knocking on the door. I walked to the door but I didn't open "Who's there?" I said

"It's John" I heard him saying

I didn't want to open the door, I was afraid that I would freak him out. "Are you alone?" I asked him

"Yes, I was on my way home and I saw the lights coming from your house" he said "I just want to see if you're okay"

I wore my sunglasses cause my eyes were the most terrifying thing I've ever seen in my life, I opened the door "hey John" I smiled at him

"Are you okay? Why are you wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night?" He looked at me

"Oh I wear these because when I was in Greece it was too sunny and the sun hurt my eyes" I lied

He didn't say anything but he took off the glasses quickly and looked at me again. I tried to cover my face

"Oh my God what happened to you?" He asked

"I'm always like this. I just took my make-up off" I tried to avoid his questions

"I've seen you without make-up, don't you try to fool me" he said

"Fine..I haven't slept in two weeks.." I said

"And you obviously haven't eaten in two weeks!" He said

"I know I'm a mess!" I said

"You do understand that you have to go to the hospital for this? This is serious! You could die" he started to panic

"Please calm down I'm fine I have it all under control!" I tried to calm him down

"No you're not fine!" He grabbed my hand and took me to the kitchen "make something to eat. If you keep it down I'll believe that you have it under control, if you don't then I'm taking you to the hospital" he said nervously

"John it's 1am.." I said

"I don't care, go on" he insisted

I made the first thing I saw in front of me. I made cereal and i tried to eat. The first bite was hard to keep down. I felt the same pain I felt an hour ago but I wanted to prove John that I'm okay. After the third bite the pain had stopped.

"See I'm fine" I said

"We both know that you were in pain. I just tricked you into eating cause no one else did and you would just give up" he said

"What?" I said and realised that I had eaten the whole thing without feeling the need to throw up "You're good I gotta say"

"I know, it's not the first time i do this" he said

"It's not your first time?" I asked

"I saved a girl's life when I was in high school cause of this trick" he said "now go get some sleep"

"I don't think sleep will fix this" I pointed at my eyes

"Do you have face cream?" He asked

"Yes I have" I said

"Make sure you use it every morning and night and you'll be fine. And make sure you keep eating 3 meals a day" he said

"I will thank you Deaky" I hugged him

"You're welcome" he smiled and hugged me back "I have to go now" he said and I walked him to the door

"Goodnight love" he said

"Goodnight Deaky" I said and he left

I walked to the bathroom and put on the face cream and went to sleep. I woke up next morning and I did everything Deaky told me last night. I started to feel better.

I decided to call Brian but there was no answer, I called him again after half an hour and he finally answered

"Hello?" I heard Brian's voice..there was an intense tone in his voice

"Hi Bri." I said

"Diane? Thank god! I just got off the phone with John! Is everything alright?" He said

"Yeah I'm fine thanks to John" I said

"I'm so sorry for your loss" he said

"Thank you..how have you been?" I said

"Extremely nervous to be honest.. I thought I scared you away with my behaviour" he said

"I'm so sorry.. you didn't scared me away.. but I would rather not talk about it yet, I have a lot on my mind" I said

"Can I come over? I need to see you..I haven't seen you at all from that day" he asked

"Sure I'll wait for you" I said and hung up

After 15 minutes he was here. He walked in a hugged me tight

"I missed you so much" he said

"I missed you too" I said

He let me go and looked at me "you look absolutely great" he smiled

I was shocked. He was the only one to actually tell me something good about my appearance. Freddie and John were shocked when they saw me. Roger would get scared if he saw me. I'm glad he haven't seen me yet.

"You're actually the only one that didn't freak out with the sudden change in my appearance" I said

"You were going through a difficult time, you lost a person you loved. You were depressed! It happens to most people but I'm glad you're getting better" he kissed my cheek

I just smiled at him and he put his arms around me and looked at me

"You still wear the necklace I got you" he smiled

"Actually I never took it off" I said and  he kept me in his arms, I could hear his heartbeat and it made me feel more calm and safe

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