Trouble for Him

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We walked in and I saw Brian sitting near the bar. He looked at me and smiled but before I got to him I saw a girl walking up to him and she hugged him and kissed his cheek. My smile faded instantly.

"Come on" I heard Kendall saying but I just stood there and looked at Brian and that girl. She was all over him and he wasn't doing anything to get away. Maybe she was just a fan so I tried to not let my jealousy take over.

"I'll be right back" I said to the girls and I run to the ladies room. 2 minutes I saw that girl walking in with her friend. I pretended I was fixing my make-up.

"I can't believe Brian May turned you down!" Her friend said while laughing

"He said he has a girlfriend.. lucky bitch!" She said

"I bet you're prettier than her! And she's not here so why don't you try again?" her friend said

I put my lipstick back to my bag and walked towards the door and "accidentally" bumped on her and made her mess up her make-up.

"Watch were you going! What's your problem?" She said

I looked at her "Oh did I make you ruin your make-up? I'm so sorry!" I said ironically

"Are you looking for a fight bitch?" She said

"Listen to me sweetie, I just need you to stay away from my boyfriend! Do you understand it or do you want me to write it down for you?" I said

"Y-you are his...." She said

"Next time watch what you're saying cause you never know who might hear you" I said and walked out

Mary walked to me "Is everything okay?" She asked

"Yeah everything is okay!" I said and I saw Brian walking to us

"I'm going to leave you two alone" she said and walked back to Freddie

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yes I'm okay" I smiled and I kissed him

He kissed me back and that girl who was hitting on Brian walked out of the ladies room and fell on me on purpose and I almost fell down but Brian caught me before I did. I heard her laughing.

I didn't want to start a fight so I tried not to say anything.

"What's your problem?" Brian said to her

"Oh sorry it was an accident" she said ironically

"It was not an accident! You did it on purpose" I said

"Maybe I did, next time don't tell me what to do!" She said

"You have no right to fight a pregnant woman!" Brian said

I immediately froze in my position, he knows, but who told him? The girl finally left us alone. I looked at Freddie, he had that guilty look on his face. Now I know who told him.

"Who told you about this?" I asked

"I promised not to tell. Were you planning on telling me?" He said

"Yes I was planning on telling you tonight, but someone got to you first." I said

"That's great news!" He said and smiled

"What? Seriously?" I asked

"Yes! I love you and knowing that we're going to have a baby is just perfect!" He hugged me tightly

We walked back to the others, Brian placed his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him "Me and Diane have some great news" he said

Everyone looked at us and I kinda felt uncomfortable because Roger was also there.

"We're expecting" he said excitedly and Roger's smile was gone immediately. Everyone got really excited except from him.

Roger got up from his seat and walked to us "Congratulations!" He gave a hug to both of us and he walked outside

"Is he okay?" I asked

"I'll go check on him" Kathy said and run outside

*Roger's POV*

I saw Kathy running towards me
"What's wrong with you? Your best friend just shared the most amazing news and you just leave?" She said

"I congratulated them! Wasn't that good enough?" I said

"The minute Brian said that Diane is pregnant you just looked at them with a face full of disbelief!" She said

"Yeah because they've been dating for 3 months. It's too soon!" I said

"We've known each other for 3 months too but we are still getting married. They've known each other longer than 3 months. If that's what they want you can't stop them" she said

I sighed and she gave me a look full of anger "I just need some time alone!" I said

"Fine! You can have all the time you want because I'm leaving!" She said

"What..why?"I asked

"Because I don't want to be here anymore, you've ruined my good mood, I'll see you at home" she said and got into a cab

I sighed again and lit a cigarette, I saw Diane standing at the door. We looked at each other for a second. I walked towards her.

"What are you doing outside?" I asked

"I can't stand the smell of cigarettes in there!" She said

"Seriously? Didn't you use to smoke?" I asked

"Of course I did. But now the smell bothers me" she said

"Yeah the baby is definitely Brian's" I joked and Diane laughed

"Don't get me started. Now I have to call my all relatives and tell them the news" she said

"That's not too bad" I said

"Wait till I tell them that we're not even married" she laughed

"I can imagine the panic they're going to cause" I said

"Yeah.." she said and she looked down

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yes.. I'm just having some doubts about being a parent at such a young age. My mom got pregnant to me when she was 19 and growing up she always blamed me for existing" She said

"You're nothing like your mother! You also have Brian who loves you so much! It was meant to happen." I can't believe I was saying that.

I always thought that when a difficult time came, I would try to say things to break them up and win her heart. But she is pregnant and she's truly happy with Brian, I can finally see that.

"So how are things with you and Kathy?" She asked

"Everything's great! Can't wait for the wedding" I said and smiled

"That's great, I'm happy for you! Listen I saw what happened..You should go talk to her.." she said

"I will.." I said and I hugged her "thank you for being so supportive, I'm sorry I wasn't supportive tonight" I said

"That's go talk to her" she said

*Diane's POV*

When Roger left I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I saw Brian standing next to me.

"Can we go home?" I asked

"Sure" he said and smiled

We got into my car "should I drive?" He asked

"I can drive don't worry" I said

"Okay..I saw you talking to Roger, is everything okay?" He asked

"Yes, he kinda fought with Kathy and I told him to go talk to her" I said

"That's weird..why would they fight? Especially after the pregnancy news.." he said

"I don't know..but I hope they'll make up" I said but I lied, I knew why they fought, I accidentally heard them when I walked outside..

What a short chapter! I'm going through a lot, I won't post a new chapter until I get creative again. I know this chapter is bad..

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