Chapter 1: Fallen Angel

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You scream in your head. For the past 4 years, the Hunter's Association had thrown many grueling tasks your way and you completed them all without a single complaint. Climbing the ranks to become a Zodiac was your ultimate dream, however, anytime you asked for a promotion or even a measly interview, you were always denied.

Where do they get off? I'm the one who helped clean up Pariston's scandal, I'm the one who made sure Netero's son was protected, I'm the one...

Feeling an intense anger swell inside of your chest, you grab your work computer and throw it against the wall. It immediately smashes upon impact and sharp fragments of glass fly around the room.

How dare they. How can they do this to me again. I will kill them. I will kill them all.

Unable to control your own anger, you let the fire inside your stomach rise to your head, balling your hands into tight little fists. Your nails dig into the palms of your hands as bright red blotches assault your vision.

Time after time, they treat me like dirt, make me do all the dirty work and they can't even give me a measly interview? I bet this is Pariston's doing. That dirty rat.

You throw your fist against the wall and let out an animalistic scream. Cracks begin to spiderweb around the room and a violent fire erupts around your fist. Your aura blazes a brilliant red and flames start to swallow your body whole. Tears slowly leak from your eyes, blurring your blotched vision, an intense pounding ripples throughout your chest causing you to hyperventilate.

Why me. WHY ME. I've lived a life of honor and goodness even though I had many chances to live like a sinner. Why have I been foresaken!

You start crying even harder, bit by bit your aura transitions from a fiery red to depressing grey blue. The fire around you extinguishes itself, leaving nothing but bits of ash and wisps of thick grey smoke.

Being a specialist nen user is quite the challenge. Since your emotions are directly connected to your nen abilities, anytime you feel a certain emotion, your nen reacts explosively. Anger is the worst because you unconsciously conjure up fire and burn everything in your way. If you hadn't started crying, the building would've caught fire, killing everyone inside.

Slowly pushing yourself up from the singed wooden floor, you shuffle heavily towards the front door and exit your apartment. Whenever you felt extreme sadness or anger.. or both... you would always subconsciously head for the church across the street. Something about the sparkle of the rainbow stained glass and the smell of the oak pews comforted your broken mind.

As the church slowly comes into sight, you hug your trembling arms close to your chest and softly sob. Thankfully it was still dark out, allowing your tear-stained face and disheveled knotted hair to be disguised by the passing shadows of the night. The biting cold wind against your salted face feels surprisingly pleasant. Opening the heavy metal doors to the church, you wipe your eyes with the back of your ripped sleeve and take a deep inhale. The quick rush of stale oaky air leaves you feeling light headed, so you plop your body onto the back pew and throw your head back to face the ceiling.

"The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush" A deep velvety voice preaches.

You sluggishly turn your head to the right and see a man dressed in a long black coat trimmed with white fur, his ears adorned by bright jade earrings, complimenting his deep gray eyes and slicked black hair. An ornamented cross brands the middle of his forehead, a symbol you swear you've seen once before.

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