Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

***4 Years Ago***

Sitting at home, with Juice sitting on the couch with me, he's holding me close. "I want to talk to you about something." I tell him. He looks at me worried. Juice and I had been seeing each other for almost a year but the only ones that knew were my dad, Bobby, Happy and Tig. I stand up from the couch and grab a photo out of my purse before handing it to him. "Is this?" he asks and I smile softly "Our baby." He looks at me and he smiles wide. "Our baby." he says before pulling me close and crashing his lips with mine. When we come up for air, he asks "Have you told your dad?" I shake my head and say "I wanted to tell you first." He smiles and I say "I don't want to tell anyone but my dad until I get past the first trimester." I tell him. "That's fine. Fuck. I love you." he tells me and I hug him tight. "I love you too." I tell him.

It's been a couple of days since we found out I was pregnant and Juice comes to me and he just looks broken. I am laying on the couch and he comes over and lays with me, his head on my stomach. He kisses my stomach and I hear him whisper "I love you so much." I look down at him and when he looks at me, there are tears in his eyes. "Juan, what's wrong?" I ask. "You know I told you all the shit Jax has been making me do?" he asks and I nod. "I went to your dad about it. He's going to try and help me but Jax is having me put into Stockton for a little while to take out Henry Lin." he tells me and I push him to sit up. I pull him close to me and I ask "For how long?" He shakes his head and says "I don't know. Not too long I hope." he tells me. We spend the rest of the night, making love and just being together.

It's been a week since Juice has been gone and I told my dad about the baby. A few days ago, my dad was taken by August Marks and being held by his head of security, Moses Cartwright. I've not been going to the clubhouse much so Tig and Happy come to get me to take me to the cabin. "I'll follow you. I'm a little too nauseous to ride." I tell them and they nod and I follow them in my car. I didn't want to tell them yet that I was pregnant and couldn't ride. We get to the cabin and I walk in and see everyone looking sad. I see Gemma and she pulls me into a hug. "What happened?" I ask and see Jax and he looks stressed more than normal. "Baby, the guys got your dad back." she tells me. "Thank God. Where is he?" I ask. "When Jax got there to get him, August Marks shot your dad." she says and I look at Jax and he won't look at me. "Jax?" I ask and he still won't look at me. I look at Tig and ask "Where's my dad?" He walks over and leads me outside and I see him laying on the picnic table out back and he's dead. "No. Daddy no." I say before I walk over and lay my head on my daddy's chest and sob. Jax walks over and I feel him rubbing my back and I sit up and pull away from him. "Don't." I say and he looks at me a little shocked. I look at Tig and ask "What are we doing with him?" Tig says "Whatever you decide." I nod and I pull my phone out and call Skeeter. "Can you come up to the cabin?...It's my dad...yeah...I can pay for it...Thanks Skeeter." I say before ending the call. I walk back over to my dad and tell Tig "Skeeter is on his way. He's going to burn him for me. Said he's not charging me but..." I start and Tig says "We'll float some cash his way." I nod and say "Thanks Tiggy." I turn back to my father and lean down and kiss his cheek "I love you daddy." I whisper before heading towards the door. "Where are you going?" Jax asks. "Home. Skeeter will call me when my dad's ashes are ready." I say before walking away.

A couple of days later, I was able to get into a room with Juice. As soon as they bring him in and take off his shackles, he pulls me into a hug and I sob. "I got you baby. Shhh. It's okay." He tells me. I pull away a little and say "No it's not. Juice, my dad...he's...he's gone." I tell him and he says 'I know. Jax came earlier." he tells me. "When did he say you're getting out?" I ask. He looks down at his hands holding mine on the table and says "He's not getting me out." I look at him shocked and ask "What do you mean?" He says "Jax said that one of the other crew leaders is going to take me out. I just don't know when." he tells me. "No. Fuck that." I say and go to stand. "I just need you here for a bit longer." He tells me. I go to move into his lap and look at the guard and he nods. I sit in his lap and he puts his hand on my stomach and says "Make sure our baby knows who I am." he says. I put my forehead to his and say "I promise. I love you Juan Carlos." I whisper. "I love you more Princess." he whispers back. When it's time to go, he kisses me with more love and more passion than he's ever kissed me before. When they take him out of the room, we look at each other one more time and as soon as the door is closed, I fall to the floor sobbing. When I get myself together, the anger sets in and the guard from before, leads me out. "Take care of him while you can." I say and he nods.

A week later, there is a knock on my door. I open the door to see Tig and Happy standing there again. "What is it now?" I ask. "We wanted to tell you that Jax is gone." Tig says. "Glad to hear it." I say and go to shut the door and Tig stops me. "What do you mean, glad to hear?" he asks. "Do you know what I've had to deal with for the last two weeks?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Tiggy, I lost my dad because Jax pissed off the wrong people. I was engaged to Juice and he was killed because Jax lost his self control. And because of all the stress from losing daddy and Juice? I lost my baby. I drove myself to the hospital and went through the miscarriage by myself. So forgive me if I'm not feeling any love lost over Jax being gone." I tell him and he looks at me shocked. "Why didn't you call me Doll. You know I would have been there." he tells me. "Because, honestly, I can't handle seeing that reaper on your back. I've lost everything because of Jax and the reaper. I love you Tiggy but I just need some time and some space." I tell him. "I get it. I'll have Venus come and check up on you and I'll make sure that the guys don't wear their cuts around you for a while." he tells me and I just nod before heading back inside.

***Present Day***

I'm sitting at home when I get the call to come to the clubhouse. I pull onto the lot and get out of the car. I take a deep breath before heading inside. It's still hard walking into the clubhouse even after four years. I still see my dad and Juice everywhere. Tig walks up to me and says "We have church and need you in there too." he tells me. "Everything okay?" I ask. "We'll explain inside Lass." Chibs says and I nod and follow them inside. We take seats and Happy pulls over a chair between Tig and Chibs for me. Once we all sit down, Chibs starts talking. "You know we all love you but it's been four years and this is a discussion that we should have had back then but we were trying to respect the fact you were dealing with so much but we can't put this off any longer." He tells me. "Okay." I say confused. "You need to be connected to the club since you don't have the connection of your dad anymore. We all love you and will protect you if need be but, Lass, none of the other charters are obligated to do the same." he tells me. "What are you thinking?" I ask. "Well we all discussed it and we are arranging a marriage for you." he tells me. "What? No." I say. "You know how this works Princess. This is something that has to happen." Quinn tells me. "Say I agree to this. Who are you arranging the marriage with?" I ask. "You would marry Montez." Chibs says and I shake my head. "Nope. Not happening." I tell them and go to stand up. "Why not?" Montez asks. I don't answer him. I look at Chibs and say "If you force me to marry him, I'll slit my own throat before the wedding is done." I tell him and go to leave the chapel. "I don't want to marry a rat fucker anyway." he says and I stop in my tracks. I turn to look at him and say "Juice wasn't a fucking rat. He never gave info and never signed anything but Jax did, didn't he? But that was okay, right?" I ask. I look at Tiggy and say "I'll be fine on my own." before walking out of the chapel and to my car.

The next day, Tig and Chibs come to see me again and this time they have Alvarez with them. I open the door to let them in. "What's going on?" I ask after I hug all three men. I've known Alvarez for years and he's always been good to me. We all take seats around my living room and Chibs says "We think we found a way to make sure you're connected and protected and not have to marry Montez." I look at him confused and he says "One of the guys in my Stockton charter has agreed to the arranged marriage." Marcus says. "Wait. So I would go from being the daughter of a SON to the wife of a Mayan?" I ask and they all nod their heads yes. "Doll, you said it was hard for you seeing our reapers with everything you went through. We think this would be the best option for you." I look at Marcus and ask "Who agreed?" He leans forward in his chair and puts his elbows on his knees, lacing his fingers together. "My Stockton charter's Sergeant at Arms, Will Medina." he tells me. I look at him for a minute and then down at my hands in my lap and ask "When are we doing this?" Chibs speaks up and says "Wedding is Saturday at the Mayan's clubhouse in Stockton." I nod and say "I'll be there." before getting up and heading to the back deck. Marcus follows me out and asks "Are you okay with this mija?" I nod and say "Have to be, right?" He shakes his head and I say "I get what they're doing. I know my dad and Juice would have wanted me to be protected and the guys know I can't stand looking at that reaper anymore." I tell him. "Why's that?" he asks. I look at him and say "It's because of that reaper, more specifically Jax, that I've lost my father, my fiance and my baby." I tell him and he nods his understanding. "Medina is a good guy. He will take care of you." he tells me. "Why did he agree to it?" I ask. "Because I asked him to." he tells me. "You've always been good to me Marcus. I appreciate what you're doing because I can't handle being here anymore." I tell him. "Medina has a house more than big enough for the two of you." he tells me and I just nod. They all leave and I go to the garage and start getting boxes to pack up my house.

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