Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I wake up the next morning before Will and walk out to the main room. I get a cup of coffee and sit at the bar. Ramos sits beside me and asks "How are you mija?" I smile softly and say "I'm good. Happy." I tell him. "Good. I want to tell you something. I told your Old Man this already. I don't want you to think that we want you here to get info from you but you have shown your loyalty to your Old Man as well as to us. You are our familia mija and we are so glad you're here." he tells me. "Thanks Prez. That means a lot." I tell him and he walks away.

I am sitting at the bar, looking down into my coffee and feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I lean back into him and he says "Morning amor." I smile and say "Morning baby." before turning my head to kiss him softly. He takes the seat next to me and I stand and move between his legs. His hand goes to my hip and we drink our coffee. "I was thinking about something." I tell him. "What's that?" he asks. "We've been married for almost three months and we are trying for a baby but I was thinking about going to the doctor. Maybe see if there's anything we can do to help us get pregnant." I say and he asks "Will that ease your mind a little?" and I nod. "Then get your appointment and we will go." he tells me and I kiss him softly. "Thank you Will." I say.

A few days later, we are sitting at the doctor's office and we are in an exam room. They've taken blood and urine sample and we are waiting on the doctor to come back in with the results. I am looking down at my hands and Will steps between my legs and tilts my chin up and asks "Everything will be fine amor." I nod and he kisses me softly before we hear the door open. The doctor comes in and says "Well we ran some tests. A couple of them twice to be on the safe side." She tells us. "Twice? Which ones?" Will asks. "Iron test was one. Your iron is a little low but nothing that we should be concerned about. We will give you an iron pill to take for a couple of weeks and that should help." she tells us. "What was the other?" I ask. "Pregnancy test. Ran it twice. Once with urine and once with blood. Both came back positive." We look at her shocked before looking at each other. We look back at her and she says "We need to do an ultrasound to see how far along you are."

She leads us into another room where the tech was set up to do the ultrasound. I lay on the bed and pull my shirt up and unbutton and unzip my jeans. She puts the gel on my stomach and it's warm. She moves the wand around a little and we hear a little "whamp whamp whamp" sound. "Strong little heartbeat. Just what we want to hear." she says and I look up at Will and he's smiling. He kisses me softly before she moves the wand a little more and we see a little blob on the screen. "This little bean right here, that's your baby. You're measuring at six weeks. Congratulations." she tells us and hands us the pictures. We walk out of the office and to my car and before I get into the car he pulls me close and says "I love you so fucking much." I smile and say "I love you too baby."

We pull up to the clubhouse and walk inside hand in hand. "What's got you two smiling so wide?" Ramos asks. "We just found out all you fuckers are going to be Tio's." Will says and everyone cheers and congratulates us. After talking to everyone for a bit, I tell Will "I need to call the guys." He nods and we head out to the picnic table and I call Tig's phone. "Hey Doll. What's up?" he asks. "I need you to get the family together and put me on speaker." I tell him. 'Everything okay?" he asks. "Yeah. I just need to talk to you guys." I tell him and a couple of minutes later, they are all in the chapel and Tig tells me "We're all here. What's up?" Will pulls me closer and I say "We wanted to call and tell you guys that we're pregnant." I tell them and you hear them all cheer. After a couple of more minutes, I hear it get quiet and hear Tig ask "How are you?" I smile and say "I'm good. I'm happy. Me and the baby are both healthy." I say and he says "Good. How far along are you?" I smile and say "Six weeks and before you ask, I'm really happy. Will is taking good care of me and so are the rest of the guys. I'm not stressed out so I will be fine." I tell him and he tells me he loves me and we end the call.

Will and I sit out there for a few more minutes and he says "You're worried." I nod and say "A little but I know everything is going to be fine. I know that you and the guys will take care of me and I'm safe." I tell him. "Ezzy, I know you still..." he starts and I stop him with a kiss. "I will always miss him but I am here with you. I love you. I am married to you and having your baby. I am the happiest I have ever been because of you. Not Juice. You." I tell him and he kisses me again and he just holds me and I am finally feeling truly happy.

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