Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

***One year later***

I'm sitting at the clubhouse, giving our son, Juan Robert, his bottle. When we found out we were having a boy, Will told me he wanted to name our son after Juice and my dad and I fought him on it. We actually argued about it. He explained that he knew that my dad and Juice were the two most important men in my life and that he wanted to honor both of them for giving me to him. We call our son JR. I look down at our son and I know that Juice is happy for me, wherever his soul went and I know my dad would have loved him. Will laughs because I play Elvis music for the baby.

Ramos comes in and I am burping JR. "How's little man?" he asks. I look up at him and smile and say "He's perfect Tio Oscar. Wanna hold him?" He smiles and takes JR from me. He takes the seat next to me and says "Your pop would have loved him." I smile and say "I know. I already got him listening to Elvis." I tell him and he laughs. "We got reapers coming to the clubhouse. Wanted to let you know so you can decide if you want them to see him or not." I nod and say "Tig has seen him and so has Chibs but the rest of the guys need to meet him. It's time." I tell him and he nods.

A couple of hours later, I have JR in his baby sling, strapped to me and you can't see him. The reapers come in and as soon as Tig sees me, he comes over and hugs me, careful of the baby. "How's our boy doing?" he asks. "Good. Wanna see him?" I ask because he's not seen him since he was born and he's already two months old. He nods and I move the sling a little and he sees him. "Looks just like you Princess." he says and I don't blanche at the name anymore. Both clubs call me Princess now.

Chibs is talking to Oscar and I walk over and hug him and he sees JR's little face too. "He's perfect Lass." he says before kissing my cheek. I turn to the guys and say "I know you have business to attend to but I do want you all to meet our son." I tell them. Will is standing next to me and I turn so they can all see him and move the sling so they can see his face. Happy looks at me and I nod. He walks over and kisses my cheek. "He looks perfect little girl. Your dad would have been so proud of you." he tells me and I tear up a little. "We actually brought you something we found in storage at the clubhouse." Happy tells me about the time a prospect comes in, carrying a box. "What's this?" I ask. "We found some old pictures of you and your dad and Juice." He tells me and looks at Will and he nods and says "He will know who he's named after." I look at him and he kisses me softly. "There's also some videos of your dad in there. Some are of him as Elvis." Happy tells me and I start looking through the box while Will holds JR. "What's this one?" I ask, knowing it's not one that I've seen before. "That one, we weren't sure if you would want so we put it in there but you can do with it what you want." Tig tells me and I look at him confused. "It's one of Juice and you." he tells me and I look at Will and he says "This should be interesting." but he's smiling. He's completely accepted that Juice was a part of my life and he's been amazing.

After everyone leaves, Will follows me and JR home and after we get JR to bed, we are sitting in the living room and I'm looking through some of the pictures and Will brings me a glass of wine. "I forgot about this." I tell him and hand him one of the pictures. "What the hell?" he asks and starts laughing. "When I was a kid, I loved watching my dad perform. I used to beg him to let me go with him. So, he had Gemma help him make me a Lisa Marie costume and I would get on the stage with him and we would sing Don't Cry Daddy. It was the only song that Elvis did that Lisa Marie sang with him so I would sing it with him." I tell him and he looks at me impressed. "I was such a daddy's girl. Gemma was the only mom I knew but it was always me and Daddy." I tell him. "I know you miss them both." he tells me. I look up at him and say "I do. I miss them everyday but Will..." I say and he stops me. "I know you love me. I got no doubt about that. I just don't want you to ever think that I want you to forget him. You hear me?" he asks. I nod and say "I honestly don't know what I ever did to deserve you." I tell him and he says "Nah. I'm the lucky one." he tells me before kissing me and we continue to go through the pictures.

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