Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

A few days later, we walk into the clubhouse, hand in hand and Marcus is there. We walk up to him and after Medina greets him, I hug him. "How are you doing mija?" he asks. "I'm good." I tell him and he looks at me concerned. "Let's talk." he says and I look at Medina and he nods his okay. I walk into Templo with Marcus and we sit at the table. "How are you?" he asks again. "Still getting used to things but I'm okay. Will and I have talked. He knows I miss Juice and he's talked to me a little about him and about what happened with him and my dad and the baby." I tell him. "That's good but how are you adjusting?" he asks. "I'm good. He's a good guy Marcus. Just like you said. I could honestly see myself with him." I tell him. "That's good mija. But I need to get your old man in here. I need to talk to you both." he tells me and I move to the door and ask him to come into Templo. "Sit mijo. I need to talk to both of you." Marcus says. Will takes my seat and pulls me into his lap and Marcus smiles. "What's up?" Will asks. "I got a call from a friend of the club. Looks like there's a threat that has been made on Ezzy." he says and Will holds me closer. "Who?" is all Will says. "Montez. One of the guys we do business with was helping out with something for us and heard Montez on the phone telling someone that he wanted help taking out the 'rat fucker' as he put it." Marcus says. I stand from Will's lap and start pacing. "I need to get everyone in here. Fucker ain't touching my wife." Will says and I stop and look at him. "What? You're my wife. I ain't letting no dirty mother fucker touch you." he says. I walk over to him and he stands up. I pull him down to me and kiss him deeply. "You're mine Will." I tell him and he kisses me one more time.

A few minutes later, the guys start coming into Templo and I go to walk out. "Nope. You don't leave my sight." Will says and I look at him. Marcus puts his hand on my shoulder and says "Stay by your old man. I know you know the rules." I nod and walk over to the chair that Will leads me to and when he sits down, I stand by his chair with my hand on his shoulder as everyone walks in and they all smile. Ramos takes his seat at the head of the table and Marcus is at the other end. "What do we need to meet about?" Ramos asks and Marcus starts talking. "A friend of the club has brought it to my attention that he overheard a phone call while helping the SONS with some things. He heard one of the SONS say that he wanted help taking out Medina's old lady." They all look at me and I feel so small in this room full of men. "Who?" Ramos asks. "Montez." Marcus says. "Why would someone want to take Ezzy out? What are we missing?" one of the other guys asks. Marcus looks at me and the rest of the men do too. I look at Will and he nods his okay for me to tell them. "Before the arrangement was set up for me to marry Medina, the SONS tried to set up an arranged marriage with me and Montez. I've never really trusted him. I don't know what it is but just always had this feeling about him." I say. "Why would he come after you?" another one asks. "Because when Chibs told me that they wanted me to marry Montez, I told them if they forced me to marry him that I would slit my own throat before the ceremony was done." I tell them and they look at me shocked. "Why would he call you a rat fucker though mija?" Ramos asks. "Right before Jax died, my father died. In the same two week period, I lost my father, my fiance and our baby. I was engaged to Juice. The club didn't know until after he died. But Juice wasn't a rat. He never gave info and he never signed anything but Jax didn't tell the club that. I did and most of the guys were okay knowing I was engaged to Juice but Montez always had issues with it. When he first came to SAMCRO, he asked me out and I was already with Juice and engaged so I told him no and he just kept asking and I kept saying no. He would always try to stay close to me at club parties and just always creeping me out." I tell them and they all nod. Ramos goes to say something but Will stops him. "I'm not letting my wife out of my sight until we find this fucker." Will says and no one says anything. Will pulls me around and into his lap and holds me close. I lay my head on his shoulder and everyone smiles. He kisses my temple and Ramos says "We'll set up a meeting with SAMCRO and talk to them. We don't want a war if we don't have to." Ramos says. I look up at Will and he raises a brow. "Go ahead mi amor." he says softly. I look at Ramos and say "The way the SONS handle things like this is that they vote to make the member meet Mr Mayhem. That means that the member dies by club hands. That's what they did with Jax but the club didn't take him out. They let him commit suicide instead of meeting mayhem." I tell them. "That's good to know mija. When we talk, we should keep her here, with protection." Ramos says and Will shakes his head. "I keep her with me. I'm not letting my wife out of my sight until this is done." he says and Ramos nods. After they talk a little more, the guys clear out and Will stays in his seat and holds me in his lap. After the last man has left, they close the door. He cups my face and kisses me gently. "I won't let anything happen to you mi amor." he tells me softly. "I know you won't Will. I trust you." I tell him. He looks into my eyes and he says "Can I tell you something?" he asks and I nod. "The minute you walked up to the altar, I lost my heart to you." he tells me. I smile softly and say "You are quickly taking mine." He kisses me softly and I say "I can't thank you enough Will. Marrying me. Protecting me. Making me feel like I matter." I tell him. He looks at me confused and says "You do matter. You matter more than anyone." he tells me. I kiss him and put my forehead to his and say "You matter to me too."

We walk out of Templo and Ramos says "We have a meeting in an hour." Will nods and pulls me closer to him. We head out to the meeting and I am on the back of Will's bike. I wrap my arms around him and he pulls my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles before we take off. We get to the meeting and he holds his hand up for me to hold while I get off the bike and she gets off the bike, never letting go of my hand. He laces his fingers with mine and when we walk up, Tig comes over and Will let's go of my hand so that I can hug Tig. "Hey Doll. How are you?" he asks. "I'm good Tiggy. Doing really good." I tell him as Will pulls me back into his side and you see some of the SONS looking at us, smiling. "You settling in good?" Tig asks and I nod. "Yeah. I'm happy with Medina." I tell him. "Good." he says and they can all see the hickey on my neck. "Letting him mark you?" Montez says. "Yeah. My wife. Mine to mark." he says and Montez glares. "What did you want to meet about Marcus?" Chibs asks, getting to the point. "Seems a mutual friend of our clubs came to me with some information. Apparently one of your guys was heard on the phone talking to someone about getting help taking out the Princess here." Marcus says and I cringe. "What is it?" Chibs asks me. "I'm not the Princess anymore." I tell him. "You're Bobby's kid. You will always be the Princess." Chibs says and most of the guys nod their agreement and Will pulls me closer. "How do you know the threat was made on her?" Tig asks. "Because what was said was that he needed help taking out the 'rat fucker' Marcus says and they all turn to look at Montez. "You trying to hurt her?" Happy asks as he gets in Montez's face. Before Montez can respond, Quinn pulls Happy back and says "We handle this right." Chibs speaks up and says "We'll vote on it." Will shakes his head and says "Nah. That don't work. He's trying to get someone to help him hurt my wife. I handle that shit." They all look at Will and he pulls me even closer and I look up at him and he looks at me before kissing me softly. He looks at Chibs and Ramos says "No disrespect Chibs but I have to agree with Medina. We need to make sure that nothing happens to our Princesa. We need to make sure that what happens is justified and that we don't have to worry about anything happening to her." Chibs looks at Tig and he nods. "What do you suggest?" Chibs asks. "He takes a hit out on her, that causes a war between the clubs. He knows that. He's going behind the club's back to do this, what else is he doing behind the club's back?" Ramos says. They look at Montez and Chibs asks "Who were you talking to?" Montez doesn't answer. Quinn grabs him by his kutte and gets in his face an asks "Who the fuck were you talking to about her?" Montez finally speaks and says "My cousin Paoulo. He's the president of the Vatos." I stiffen. "He told me that he wouldn't kill her. He'd rather sell the bitch." I look at Will and he sees the panic in my eyes. Chibs sees me and sees Will cupping my face to get me calmed down. Chibs turns to Montez and takes his burner from him. Pulling up his cousin's number, he sends a text of a time and place to meet and Paoulo texts back that he will be there. Will looks back at me and says "You're mine mi amor." I put my forehead to his and whisper "All yours Will." and we wait to see how this plays out.

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