Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It's been a little bit and Will has not let go of me the first time. We get on the bikes and head out to the warehouse where Chibs arranged the meeting with Paoulo. After the guys get Paoulo detained, the SONS move to the side while some of the Mayans detain Montez. A couple of minutes later, Chibs comes over and says "We need his kutte." Ramos looks at him confused. Voted. He's out. You're free to do what you see fit." Chibs says. I look at him confused and Tig says "We promised Bobby a long time ago that if anything happened to him we would look out for you and we're keeping that promise." he tells me. I walk over and hug Tig and then Chibs before walking back over to Will.

Will lead me over to where they now have both men detained. My fingers are laced with his and the more I'm with him, the more I seem to be falling for him. He didn't have to do any of this. He didn't have to marry me. He has been nothing but good to me. He makes me feel safe and wanted. I haven't felt this since Juice. I pull at his hand to stop him. He looks at me concerned and I ask the guys "Can I get a minute with my husband?" They all nod and Will takes me to the side, away from everyone. He cups my face and I see how worried he is about me and I smile softly. "What is it mi amor?" he asks softly. I kiss his lips and say " have my heart too." I tell him and he smiles softly. "I love you Will. I haven't felt like this since Juice but I do. I love you." I tell him. "I love you too mi vida." I tell him. He kisses me softly and he says "Let us handle this and I'm taking you home." he tells me and I nod.

We walk over to the two men and I walk over to Montez. "You know I'm the daughter of a SON and the wife of a Mayan. You really thought you could have me taken out and no one would find out? Seriously?" I ask. "You should have died with that little fucking rat. So what, you gonna fuck him and turn him into a rat too?" he asks and I take my heeled boot and press down on his balls. You hear him grunt. "I didn't turn Juice into a rat. He never gave info and never signed anything. He never went behind the club's back but you did. Why did you want to marry me anyway?" I ask. "I wanted to put you in your place. If you were my old lady, you would have to do what you were told and you'd finally shut the fuck up." he tells me and I laugh. "That's funny that you thought I would let any man control me. Honey, I show my man the same respect that he shows me. He treats me like a queen so he's getting treated like the king he is. But you, you ain't nothing but a pauper and that's all you will ever be." I say. Will walks up next to me. "Correction. All he will ever be is a dead pauper." I turn to Will and he kisses me softly and I say "Do your thing baby." He smirks and says "I love you." I smile and say "I love you too." and he turns to Tig and asks "You want that prick and I'll handle Montez?" Tig nods and walks over to Pauolo and says "You will never touch my niece." before putting a bullet in his head. Will walks over to Montez and says "You see that woman? That's my woman, my wife. I will die protecting her." before he raises his gun and puts a bullet in Montez's head, killing him. Once everything is cleaned up, some of the Mayans take the two bodies off to bury, Will pulls me to his bike and sits on it. Before I get on, he pulls me close and kisses me again. "You love me?" he asks. "Yeah. How can I not. Look at what you've done for me Will. You married me, protected me, you make me feel things I haven't felt in a long time. Now, take your wife home." I tell him. He kisses me one more time and he holds out his hand for me to take to get on behind me and we head home.

Getting home, we get off the bike and head inside and I smirk and say "We need a shower baby." He smirks back before picking me up and my arms go around his neck and my legs around his waist as he carries me to the bathroom. Getting inside, we kiss while we shed clothes and then I turn to get the shower water ready. We step in and he pins me to the wall and his hand wraps around my throat. I feel my core getting even wetter. He leans down and captures my lips before moving closer to my ear and asks "Who do you belong to mi reina?" he asks. "You me rey." I rasp. "Who does your pussy belong to?" he asks. "You Will." I say. "Who do I belong to?" he asks. "Me Will. You belong to me." I tell him and he kisses me again. "I will always belong to you mi reina." I look into his eyes and say "And I will always belong to you, my king." I tell him. He looks at me and I say "I always said when I got married there would be no divorce. I will be yours until death." I tell him. "Till death mi amor." he whispers before kissing me one more time.

He turns me to face the wall and I feel his fingers slip into my core and he starts to pump in and out and I start getting close. He pulls his fingers away and I groan. "Only thing I want making you cum is my cock." he rasps. "Give it to me Will." I moan. He lines himself up with my core and I feel him ease inside me. "Oh God Will. Don't stop." I moan as he starts thrusting in and out slow and easy. "Harder Will." I moan but he doesn't. He leans down by my ear and whispers "I love you Ezzy. Fuck I love you." I turn my face to kiss him and whisper "I love you Will." He continues to make love to me and right before he cums, he whispers "Where do you want me?" I rasp out "Knock me up Will." and he loses himself inside me. He pulls out and turns me to face him. "You want me to knock you up?" he asks. "Neither of us are getting any younger. I want kids. I want a family with you." I tell him. "Then I'll give you a family." he tells me.

He steps out of the shower and wraps a towel around his waist while I turn off the water. I turn around and he has a towel held out for me. I step out and into the open towel and he wraps it around me before kissing me deeply. I cup his face as she kisses me and he leads me to the bed. We drop the towels and get into bed and he pulls me to lay my head on his chest. I feel him kiss the top of my head and he says "Thank you." I look up at him and look at him confused and he says "I was alone for a long time. Seeing my brothers with old ladies and seeing how much their old ladies love them and shit. I never thought I would have that." he tells me. "I mean, I love you and as much as I miss Juice, seeing you keeping me close to make sure I was safe and making sure nothing happened to could I not love you?" I tell him. He hovers over me and kisses me softly and makes love to me again nice and slow for the rest of the night, telling me how perfect I am and how much he loves me.

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