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A strangled cry escaped my lips as he hurled my phone against the wall, smashing my last hope into pieces. I crawl over to it, gathered the broken pieces and tried to keep a sob from surfacing. He isn't going to let me go. I might as well toughen up, I tell myself.

The man in the dark ski mask bent down to roughly turn my face to him. "Don't get smart with me." He spat and kicked the pieces from my hands. He stormed out and locked the door, leaving me in total darkness.

I leaned against the cold walls, my mind drifted to Josh who had it worse than me. They'd shoved him into the car before dragging me in. Eventhough they blindfolded me, it was as if I could see every single punch they threw at him. I heard every shout of agony, every muffled cry and faintly, a slicing sound. I could only scream at them to stop hitting him. A man chuckled menacingly as he slapped me hard across the face. Next thing I knew, I was in here, cold and alone.

Once I couldn't hear him outside anymore, I let out a soft sob. What am I going to do? I shuffled onto my feet, feeling my way around. Something hairy brushed my leg. A bloody rat. It took a lot lip biting to stop myself from screaming everytime a rat scurried near me. Slowly my eyes began to register to the darkness and I see a table pushed to one side of the wall, the door which the man left in and boxes. Boxes stuffed with an incredible amount of wrapped little packages. I took one in my hand, hoping for food but when I peeled it open, there was only flour. I sniffed the flour and immediately regretted it. This isn't flour, I think to myself. It's drugs.

The doorknob clicked and the door swung open. The man who had destroyed my phone walked in. I threw the package down, more afraid than ever. "I see you have found our little money maker here." He say, amused. I looked down at my feet and covered my face with my hands. He was going to hit me, I could sense it.

"Jack, where do you want the boy?" Another voice called from outside. At the word boy, I looked up. There he was, bloody, broken and unconscious. The man, Jack, pointed his chin to the table and the other man who is holding Josh, literally dragged him by his hands and laid him on the table. "Now tell me, honey." I flinched at the term of endearment. "What do you know about your boyfriend's daddy, hmm?" He stroked my face. I stumbled back at his touch and found myself on the floor.

"I-I-I don't know." I muttered. "Don't be difficult! He is dead because he's been difficult!" Jack shouted, pointing at Josh. "Now if you want to get out of here alive, all you have to do is tell me what you know about his father. Simple, hmm?" He offered, still glaring down at me. I resorted to shutting my eyes. The tears threatened to overflow when I think about what he'd say. Josh is dead. My heart is beating hard in my chest and suddenly, I've forgotten how to talk.

"What do you know?!" He demanded again, slamming his fist on the wall. I whimpered and pushed back until my back hit the wall. He stepped closer to me, eyes dark with anger. "I-I- he-." I tried to say but nothing was coming out. What did this man want with Mr. Hutcherson? I swallowed and opened my mouth to speak but I felt a hard strike across my cheek, the tears I have been holding back started to fall.

"He's a-a cop." I say. "And?" Jack pressed for more but that was all I know. "I-I don't know. All I know is that his dad works for the special cops. Not the-the regular ones." I stammered. He turned back to look at the other guy and they exchanged a look. "Tell me. Is he on a case now?" Jack asked.

"I-I d-don't know." I say. "Think, you little brat." He hit my head. I cried harder, covering my face again. I recall Josh's dad having some important business to do before heading out at midnight last night. I had dinner at Josh's and we were midway through watching a football match before Mr. Hutcherson answered a phone call. He left abruptly without even ruffling Connor's hair like he always does.

"Y-yes." I replied softly. "What?! Speak up!" He shouted. "YES." I say louder. Jack waved the other guy closer and told him to watch the door. Jack stormed out while the other guy lingered in the room. "Well, well, well. Hayley, huh?" He smiled menacingly. I looked away at Josh, who is still bleeding and unconscious. "You know, we could make a good couple." He sneers, reaching to hold my hand. "Get away from me." I say in the fiercest tone I could manage. "Your little boyfriend is dead anyway. He won't mind you cheating on him." He stroked my face. I flinched and slapped away his hand on instinct.

The look in his eyes were terrifying as he stood up and walked over to Josh. "Hayley, Hayley. Your baby is dead. But you won't mind if I have a little fun, will you?" He grinned, lifting Josh's arm. I stare, horrified as he twisted Josh's wrist into an uncomfortable angle. "STOP!" I screamed, dashing to pull Josh away from the man. "Are you insane?!" I screamed, this time I knew I had pushed too far. He punched me in the ribs and lifted Josh's head. "I'll break his neck if you come any closer." he dared me.

I stumbled back, holding my gut. "Don't." I squeaked. The pain is agonising, I fell to the floor in a cry. One punch and I've crumbled. What about Josh? I think. They'd hit him so many times I lost count in the car. Then before they pulled him in, they could've tortured him. His bleeding body only confirmed my thoughts. "Don't kill him." I pleaded. Eventhough he looked dead, deep inside, I was hoping he wasn't. I couldn't even think otherwise.

'STAND BACK. PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD." An authoritative voice commanded from the door. I shifted my gaze to my feet and put my hands behind my head. I knew it wasn't directed at me but osmehow I felt like I'd done something horrible. The man who had his hands around Josh's head froze. A light flashed around the room and landed at the table. Trembling, I dared myself to look up. My heart leaped with joy. It was a cop. Not just a cop. It was Mr. Hutcherson.

"Hayley!" He said in relief. The man whipped his head back at Josh's father and smirked. "Drop the gun or I will end your son's life." He snapped. Mr. Hutcherson ignored his order and raised his gun higher, aiming at his temple. "DROP IT." He demanded, tightening his grip on Josh's head. I saw a brief flash of panic in Josh's father's eyes before he let his gun clatter to the ground.

"Now stand back." The man ordered. Mr. Hutcherson steps a couple of steps back. "Let my son go." He says. "Let me go if you want your son to have his neck still attached." The man challenged. Mr. Hutcherson nodded. A bit too confidently because he didn't even blink at the man's crazy demand. The man froze too, his ears couldn't believe what he'd just heard. He slowly laid Josh's head down before making a run to the door. Outside, three gunshots were fired and a loud thump.

He'd walked right into Josh's father's trap. "Hayley!" I wrapped his arms around me. "Does anywhere hurt?" I checked the side of my face that was red and swollen. My lips had cracked and bled itself dry. My left was throbbing so badly, not to mention my gut but I shook my head. "Josh." I croaked. He carried Josh out of the room and to the paramedics.

15 hours later, Josh's eyelids fluttered. "Josh!" I heaved a sigh of relief as I  planted a kiss on his forehead. "H-hay-hayley." He murmurs, the drugs still making him woozy. "Yes, it's me. We're safe now. You're safe now." I tell him, brushing a stray hair from his eyes. "It hurts." He cringes as he lifted his broken wrist. "I know. Rest." I whispered into his ears, slowly laying his wrist on the bed. I kissed it and held his good hand to my lips. Josh's eyebrows were scrunched up, still in pain.

"Come here." He croaked. I stood up and slipped onto the hospital bed next to him. "Don't go." He nuzzles his nose against the crook of my neck. "Stay..." He mumbles before sleep consumes him again. Tears rolled gently down my swollen cheek. He deserves better than this. All this pain. He didn't need all this.

I leaned down to kiss him on the lips. "I love you so much, Joshua. I'll stay." He tightened his grip around me, shifting a little in his sleep. His face was soft, innocent when he is asleep. He smiles causing my heart to melt. "Stop staring at me." He suddenly said.

"Aren't you asleep?" I smiled. "I can't if you keep staring at me. You're beautiful, you know." He opened one of his eye, peeking at me. "Really?" I laughed. "Yeah. This is my only excuse for me to hold you like this." He chuckles, snuggling closer, wrapping his one good leg around my ankle. "I love you too, Hayley. I love you more than anyone has ever loved. I'm glad you're safe. There won't be a next time. I promise." He reached up to kiss me. "I'll keep you safe."


A/N: I'm really sorry if there is any grammar mistakes or typos. I haven't got much time to edit it. By the way, do enjoy, Hayley. :)

Cheers, Adelynn.

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