Three Deaths and a Goodbye

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Dear Victoria,

How are you, my love? How are you and little Daisy? I've found time to write you now because I was down in battle two days ago. I can't feel my legs or any part of my body torso down. But I will survive. Keith promised me. Now tell me. How are you truly feeling? I'm sorry it took me so long to write. Being here in the forest, constantly running and never settled, I can't imagine a life such as this. But now I'm living it.

Victoria, the days spent without you has left me broken. I died thrice, mentally. Maybe I should tell you about them since I have nothing to do but lay here in a hammock. I'm afraid I'll doze off and not awaken. The first time I died was the day Colton was shot. I remember his deep laugh before the enemy invaded our camp, he was joking about how he'd whoop their asses in a single fire, he even made a bet with the others. That was the last time I heard him say anything. They left as swiftly as they had arrived. 10 shots were fired, killing Colton, Dave and the others I've yet to know their names. It was only day 5. That night when we were recovering from the shock, I broke down. Colton was my best mate. He always had my back. Even took a shot for me once in the shoulder. "It was nothing," they said. "Wait til' we go deep. You'll know what real loss is." That killed me.

The second time I died was when you wrote me that letter. I still have it with me, right here in my breast pocket. I take it with me to every battle. It was the letter you wrote to tell me about Daisy. I've not seen her face, Victoria. But I know she's as beautiful as the stars. I remember you wrote, "Josh, she has your eyes. And your ember spirit. She smiled when I talked about you. She is still smiling now that I'm writing to you." That paragraph crushed me. Because I'm afraid I'll never have a chance to meet her. I don't want to die before I get to meet her, Victoria. I pray to God to let me live, just so I can see you both one more time.

Sometimes it's easy to put the past behind or the ones you love when you're fighting for freedom. I know of a few men who stares death in the eye with an open heart. I wish I could be as fearless. But I want to be able to give you a better life. Not one where you grieve over someone you love for the rest of eternity. And then sometimes, putting the past behind is the hardest thing in the world. Remember my father? And the words he used to say to make me stand tall? "Chin up, son. Or yer gonna be staring at em' bastards' feet for the rest of yer life." Til' this very day, sweet Victoria, I say this to myself everytime I feel like giving up. Then one day, I found one of Colton's old leather back diaries. Writen on the very first page was, "Chin up and shoot em' bastards' or yer gonna stare em' for the rest of yer life. - Sir Hutcherson"

He was under my dad before he died and before I came along. That was the reason he took care of me, watched me like his own son, because I was his mentor's son. He put my life first instead of his.

So the third time I died was when I burned his diary. For him. So he could read it when it gets to heaven. Let him see that I respect him as much as I respect my dad eventhough he is a thing of the past now, a fading memory. Sometimes you have to let it go, Victoria. Because every single detail will be etched in your heart. So if I don't make it this time, let me go. I'll find you in our next life. I'll take care of Daisy then. We'll be a family again. Just wait for me.


Josh Hutcherson


A/N: Here is another Josh Hutcherson one shot. :) This one is for you, Victoria. Tell me what you think. Comment, vote and all the good stuff. :D


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