The Shiny New Toy

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I want I want I want to be loved by you...

One Direction was playing on my headphones as I doodle on my notebook. Mr Robert is impatiently tapping his fingers on the teacher's desk while the whole class waited for the new student to arrive. I see girls huddled around Hannah's table, giggling and talking about God knows what.

Give you this, Give you that, Blow a kiss, Take it back, If I look inside your brain...

I hit the replay button and continued doodling a flower. I closed the book when Walter passed by. He is my best friend turned enemy who loved teasing my height. So what if I'm a head shorter than him? He peers over my shoulder and lifts my headphones. "Hey there, Nellybeans. What are you drawing?" He says, taking the seat behind me. "Your non-existent brain." I mumble and put my head phones back on.

"Class." Mr Robert calls from the front of the class room, a boy was standing next to him. I decrease the volume so i could hear him. "This is our new student. He is from Kentucky and recently moved here. So if you will, show him around." He fakes a friendly smile. I roll my eyes, ignoring the fact that the boy is a The Hunger Games superstar who plays Peeta Mellark. I'm not interested in these big shots that come around to rule the school with their fame and stuff. Walter kicks my chair, when I turn around, he moves his eyebrows up and down, looking at the new kid.

He is such an idiot. "Miss Nelum, will you show him around?" Mr Robert calls from the front. I looked up at Josh Hutcherson and frowned. He had a goofy smile plastered on his -i have to admit- super hot face. I faked a smile, giving him a nod. Hannah's posse of friends gave me death stares and for the first time in my life, I smiled back at them. I knew they wanted to show him around. They wanted to eat him up alive if they could, I felt sorry for Josh.

He makes his way to the back of the class to sit beside me. His elbow hits my hand and I flinched. Slowly, I slid further into my seat, leaning away from him as much as I could. Urgh, I hope I don't catch the Popular's disease. You know, the one that makes you go all dumb blonde stupid? ( no offense to blondes. :D )

I concentrated on the lyrics of the next One Direction song on my iPod, Stand Up. For a whole 25 minutes, I was at peace. The teacher ignored me ignoring him and Josh ignored me too. I was scribbling down some notes from the board when Josh suddenly lifted my headphones like Walter did earlier and bent close to whisper in my ear.

"Headphones are not allowed in class, are they?" he acts confused. I moved away from him, hitting the pause button, I say, "I don't know. And I don't care. Now if you would please move away." I whispered back. Josh leans back on his chair, alarmed by my reaction. What? I bet he thought I would fangirl like the others. Well, I hope he got the hint that I'm not like the others. I gave a death glare and turned back to writing down notes.

The bell rang an hour later, signalling recess. I quickly grabbed my books and was almost out the door when Josh calls out to me. I groan and turned around. "Wait up!" he shouts from the back of the class, still puting his neatly arranged books into his bag.

"Hey, I'm Josh." He says, giving me his hand to shake. I looked at it and looked back up at him. "Nelum." He nods and we both made our way to the cafeteria after dropping off our books at our lockers. "So, what were you listening to?" he asks, trying to start a conversation. "One Direction." I answer. "You don't talk much, do you?" he chuckles. We each took a tray and queued behind a group of fangirls.

"Hey, Josh! I'm Hannah Daniels. It's so nice to meet you." Hannah smiles, batting her eyelashes. "Yeah, It's nice to meet you too... Erm, is there something in your eye?" Josh asks, clearly baffled at why she was blinking so much. I laughed and choked on my Coke. Hannah turned tomato red and went back in front to hide among her friends. "Good one." I tell Josh. He smiles, taking my hand. He leads me to the cashier to pay for our food. He grabbed a sandwich for both of us and treated me to a pack of chips.

"Thanks." I say, looking awkwardly at his hand holding my hand. "No problem. So, are the girls in this school like Hannah Daniels?" he asks,letting go. I shrug, "Depends. There are pretty normal ones seated at the back," I pointed to group of people at the back of the cafeteria, "and there are nice ones over there." I gestured to the table not far from where we standing. I was actually pointing at my ex-friends, not Walter, they were the nice girls I met at summer camp but they don't talk to me now.

"And there are pretty girls like you." He beams. I didn't know what to say. His smile was so genuine. "Yeah, I guess. Thanks."


It's been a year now. Josh and I are best friends. Better than best friends. I don't treat him better just because he is a superstar and he doesn't treat me like he would normally treat fangirls. He knows I'm different and he loves me for it. Literally loves me. I can't begin to tell you how splendid it was the night he confessed.

We had dinner at a pizza shack, I was slurping on milkshake and he was telling me about the amount of calories I'm casually gulping down. We had a little french fry fight that ended up getting us both kicked out. With ketchup in my hair, he leaned down to kiss me. I froze as he pulled away and kissed me again. "I've never told you this but ever since the first day, when you were obviously ignoring me, I've had feelings for you. I just didn't realise it until now." he admits. I blush a little. "Thanks." was I could say. I felt like the dorkiest person ever.

Suddenly, Josh starts singing. In his horrible singing voice, he sang,"I want, I want, I want to be loved by you..." I smile knowingly. It's the lyrics from the song that was playing in my headphones the day he walked in to my life. "Me too."


The End! :) Hahaha, I hope you liked the One Direction bits I put into the story, Nelum. I read your About Me and wanted to give you a little surprise. :) Oh, and I hope you don't mind me calling you Nellybeans at the beginning of the story. :D

Thank you for reading! Please vote, comment and all the good stuff.

p.s: The title is from the movie, Twilight. <3

xoxo, Adelynn

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