Rainy Mornings

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The rain has been falling for hours, everything in the house is so cold, everywhere you go, wind blows cold air at you and you've had enough. You settle down with a good book by the fire place but you're missing something. Suddenly, out the windows, you see the lights of a car flash. You wonder who it is in your driveway but the sound of their footsteps leave a smile on your face and you don't hesitate to open it because you could recognise them out of millions. They're the ones who bring you who you love best, Josh.

"Baby, it's so cold outside..." Before you could finish grumbling, he scoops you up and holds you close, sighing. "I've missed you." He kisses you lightly on the cheeks and sets you down on the couch opposite the fireplace. "Nicholas Sparks, huh?" He smiles, at the sight of the book you were reading, knowingly. You give him a shy nod. "Well, I'm no Nicholas Sparks," Josh says while pulling you onto his lap, "but I know what you'd love." You nuzzle up to his neck and breathe in his warmth, snuggling closer. The familiar scent calms your heart.

He lets you linger your lips on his for awhile then he pulls away, asking you to close your eyes. You can feel him getting off the couch which turns your smile into a pouty frown. "Don't worry, baby. I'll be back." Josh leans down to kiss your forehead before leaving to rummage in your kitchen. When he reappears, he brushes his lips on your cheeks and tells you to open your eyes. In his hands are two mugs of hot cocoa. You can't help but smile as he smiles your favourite smile. "Aww, Josh. I love hot cocoa." You say as he hands you one. Josh takes a sip and smiles again with a cocoa foam moustache. And you wonder how you can ever deserve a guy like him.

"Why are you not drinking yours?" He asks with a puppy face. "Oh." You quickly take a sip before you hurt his feelings but you took a big gulp instead and the heat makes you drop your mug. Drenched in cocoa, you start to shiver and Josh instantly pulls his sweater off. "Take that off, babe." He reaches for the hem of your shirt but he stops when you froze, looking at you. You grow red in the cheeks, thinking of how to respond.

"No, love. I don't mean anything like that. Not until...," he clears his throat, not from awkwardness but from nervousness," you're...uh... ready." Then he playfully closes his eyes with one hand and the other hands you the sweater. You change into his sweater with a little blush. "Done." Josh opens his eyes again. "Josh, I didn't mean to..." He puts a finger on your lips. "I know, babe.  I'm not hurt." You snuggle on his chest again while he wraps you in a hug and puts his lips in your hair. "I love you, Quinn. More than my own life." At that moment, you know he is the one. He gave you his sweater because he wants the best for you and not anything else. He's the knight in shining armour, Prince Charming, the Peeta Mellark you've grown to love and finally, the boy you're certain you want to spend the rest of eternity with, Josh Hutcherson.


A/N: Hey, guys. So this is my first one shot since I've been back. And this is for Quinn. I'm sorry it took so long but I hope this is worth the wait. Send me more request if you'd like guys. Thanks for reading. :D

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