A Night In Paris

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"I have to go, Josh." Adeline says for what must be the hundredth time but she is reluctant to let go. Josh sighs, hugging her tighter. "Just a few more minutes." Josh whispers. The wind blew, sending shivers down their spines. Being at the top of the Eiffel Tower at 9pm is probably not the best thing to do, especially when it's almost winter.

They let go of each other and Adeline tightens her scarf. It's the last day before Josh flies home to LA. They had met backstage of the premiere for The Hunger Games where his body guards had brought the cast down to hide. The fans were screaming along with the paparazzi's camera flashes. The cast had grown used to it but Adeline hadn't. She was looking for a good place to hide, away from the lighting crew which is where her father works, somewhere to block out the loud screams of the fans but when she finally found the place to hide, she had accidentally ran into a person. He wasn't looking in front so it was partially his fault too but Adeline knew better than to start a fight, so she apologised in French and silently walked away.

Josh wasn't one to forget rare occurences. When he had accidentally walked into her, he apologised profusely but she just said two words and walked away. No girl has ever reacted like that in front of him. It intrigued him and he wanted to know her. To see what she looks like and what she would do if he had talked to her face to face. Ever since then, Josh had tried to look for her. All he knew about her is that she had long black hair and could speak French. The next day, he ditched the cast to look for her, he went back to venue of the premiere the night before.

With his heart thumping, he ventured backstage alone. The lights were off and it set a spooky vibe to the place. When he thought he had gone far enough, he turned back and once again, ran into a person. "Ouch!" she yells, Josh was stepping on her foot. "Oh, I'm so sorry, miss." He says. She took one look at him and gasps. "Je suis desole, monsieur." she says softly. "Ok." Josh replied, not understanding a word she just said. Her voice sounds so familiar to him. "I'm looking for someone." Josh announces as she walks him to the exit. "Who?"

"There is this girl I ran into yesterday. I wanted to..er... apologise."

"Oh..." she hesitates before adding, "It was me, monsieur." she says, taking off her little hat. Her long black hair fell in waves over her shoulders. "But it's alright." She smiles. His breath catches as he tries to smile back and introduce himself.

Adeline smiles at the memory. It was just two days old and now she'll have to leave him forever. She looks up, the view from up here is breathtaking. Eventhough she has been up here a million times, she has never fully seen its beauty until now. Josh wraps his arms around her from behind and kisses her cheeks. She felt her face warm at his touch. "I love you." He whispers into her ear. "Me too." Adeline gushes. They take a moment to enjoy the view of Paris one last time.

"Will we ever see each other again?' Adeline asks even though she already know the answer. "I hope so. You know you can always follow me back, right?" He answers. Adeline frowns. For the whole afternoon, he had been begging her to follow him back to LA. "I can't, Josh. Papa will never allow it." she sighs. "I guess we're fated to meet and destined to be apart." Josh sadly says. She sniffles a cry as he ever so slow strokes her cheek. Josh turns her to him.

"What will I do without you, Adeline?" he asks, his eyes are also filled with tears. She shrugs. "Go back to living your life like you've never met me." she suggests. Josh shakes his head. "That's impossible. I've never loved a girl as much as I love you. I can't even think about forgetting you, Adeline." "Me too, Josh. Me too." Adeline says.

It was getting late. he looks at his watch, half past nine. His flight is in five hours. He has only five short hours left to convince her to go back with him. His past attempts had been futile but he isn't giving up. "Should I talk to your dad? Maybe if I do, he'll understand." He offers. "Papa has only me, Josh. No one else. I can't leave him here alone." she tries to reason with him, tears were streaming down her face. "Please let me try." he pleads. She shakes her head again. "I'm sorry."

He sighs and walks over to sit on a bench. He puts his face in his palms and starts to cry silently. "Josh, don't cry. It's going to be fine." Adeline says as she sits next to him and puts her arm around him. She kisses him softly on the cheek. "How will I ever be ok again, Adeline? Once I leave without you, I'll be empty. My heart will forever remain yours. It'll be here with you." He puts his palm on her heart, feeling it beat. "I guess all this time I've been searching for true love, I've been deceived. Only then have I realised that love is unexpected." He continues. She smiles and puts on her best American accent, "We're a pretty unexpected couple, aren't we?" He chuckles taking her hand. They make their way to the bottom of the Eiffel Tower.

Sooner or later, they'll have to leave. No matter how much they pray for a miracle, time will fly by. "Please come with me, Adeline." Josh tries one last time. She turns away. "Je suis desole, monsieur." she says, reverting back to the girl from the lighting crew, the girl he had met backstage and nothing more than that. Then, as if by force, she lets go of his hand, kisses him on the cheeks and runs away, not even turning back once to look at him. She disappears into the the night, into the darkest part of Paris, unknown to most, to those who think Paris is the City of Love, it is not. To Josh and Adeline, it is now the city of broken hearts and fading memories.

When Josh finally returns to his room, Jennifer was already there, waiting for him. "Where the hell have you been, Josh Hutcherson?" she asks, worried. He shrugs and lay down on the bed, turning to the side so he didn't have to face her. "Josh..." She says a bit more serious this time. He doesn't say anything. "Josh?" She tapped his shoulder. Jennifer heard him trying to stifle a cry. Surprised, she turns him on his back. "Why are you crying?!"

He shushes her and sits up. With a low voice, he asks if she remembers why he snuck out the morning before. She replies with a nod. "Adeline." She says. "Yes. I'll have to leave her, Jen. And I don't want to. I don't ever want to." He says, letting the tears roll down his cheeks. She hugged him, telling him that it's alright. But both of them knew it's never going to be alright.


"Hello?' Yeah, mom. I'm already there." Josh says, hopping off his bike. He hits the red button and puts the phone in his pocket as he walks up to the museum. It was filled with renowned people with fancy coats and hats. He was underdressed, of course but he wasn't even looking forward to this so he didn't care. He mother is on her way by car, afraid that if she rode the bike with him, she'll ruin her fancy frock. He sighs and leans by the entrance,  he heard a few ladies walk by, clucking their tongues at him and his dressing. He just pulled the the hood of his hoodie a little lower to cover his face.

"Joshua?" his mother calls to him. "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!" she says in a hushed voice. "I won't even go inside, mom. It's your fancy party. Not mine." he says, already bored. "No, you're coming in." She pulls him by the wrist and marches him to her group of snobby friends. "Hello, darling Michelle. How are you?" They say. She smiles and thanks them. Then she introduced Josh to them. He looks up and saw the same lady who had mocked him earlier. He grins as they gush about how dashing he is.

After what seems like a million years, he sneaks out to the back of the museum, desperate to hide from his mother and her fake friends. He opens the back door and takes a deep breath. He sees another person leaning by the wall next to him. "Hey, snuck out too?" He beams, relieved that he wasn't the only one. "Yeah." she says, looking up at him.

His breath caught as he says, "Adeline?"


A/N: The End. haha I hope you guys liked it. It's my first one shot. Please tell me what you think. Vote, fan and comment, whatever. :) If you want me to write you one, just read the part before this. :) THANKS! - Adelynn

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