Like Diamonds in the Sky

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I take one look around me once I stepped out the car and know I'm not going to like it here. Who does? It's a summer camp. And not the kind you see on TV. I'm talking about juvie kids smoking weed by their cabins, boys beating up camp counselors and oh, you know, the works.

I don't know why she decided this place is going to change me for the better. I'd probably die here. Not like she'd care. My father is too stuck in his own world and 'she' is none other than my ungrateful step mother. Oh no, I don't imply that every step mother is evil. Just Veronica. Veronica the horrifying witch.

The moment I enter my assigned cabin, a series of wolf whistle started outside my window. I don't deny I'm pretty attractive. I've got my fair share of boys. But they're douche bags just wanting an arm candy. I drop my bag on the floor beside my bed and slumped down on a couch in front of the TV. The tap is dripping in the toilet, the wooden floors creak when I walk and the room smells like stale cigarattes. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, a muscular built boy walks in.

"Oh. I wasn't expecting you here." He says. "Sure you weren't." I smirked and turned on the TV. "I'm Josh Hutcherson." He reaches out to shake my hand. "Julie." I mumbled without looking at him. But the corners of my eyes were watching him as he settles down on his part of the cabin. He scavenges in the drawer for something then pulls out a used leather book. I lifted an eyebrow while he flips through it, rather possesively.

"That yours?" I say. "Yeah. This used to be my cabin last year. And the year before." He tells me. I turn my attention back to the TV but I'm actually trying to understand how someone could send a polite, proper looking boy here. He doesn't look messed up. Not like the others outside the window.

"What are you doing here?" He asks the question that's been in my head. "Uh... camp?" I say. He smiles. "Uh huh, and I'm here because I've got good grades. No, I mean why are you here?" He asks. I ignore him. "Well, I guess I'm going first then. My step father is an asshole. My mother is too in love to see it--"

"Really?! Me too. My step mother is the witch." I admit. He nods understandingly. "Looks like we've both got love-blinded parents." He says. For the first time, I cracked a smile. "Oh Lord, she smiles!" Josh grins, clapping his hands. I toss the remote control at him. "Hush up." I snapped, still smiling.

We clambered onto a kayak. It's part of our activity for today. The kayak next to us has already toppled over, two idiots were wrestling each other in the lake. "You swim?" He asks as we paddled off shore. "A bit. I don't do it anymore." I answer silently. He changes the subject to my nails. Asking why I had one hand painted blue while the other maroon. "I don't know. I guess I like a little bit more colour on me." I say. He nods. I realised he was the only one making conversation so I asked him, "You know anyone here?"

"Yeah. Jesse. Oliver. Betsy." He names a few but doesn't say anything about them. "They still here?" I grunt, pulling the paddle. "No." He answers. Then the whole journey was silent. He doesn't say anything, I don't say anything. We paddles like two people with a glass wall between them. The sun shone off his dark brown hair and for a moment, I catch a glimpse of his chocolate brown eyes, glistening.

"Wanna go somewhere?" He asks once we've finished dinner by the camp fire. I've decided he's worth being friends with after the kayaking trip. We didn't say much to each other but I feel comfortable around him. Like we've been friends forever.

"Mmhhmm." I nod. He takes my hand and we sneaked back to our cabin. He grabs a torchlight then we're on our way again. We tiptoed to a nearby forest, right behind the teacher's cabin. "What are we doing here?" I whisper. He shushes me and continues on our walk. We stopped abruptly at an unfamiliar place.

My eyes finally register to the darkness and I see diamonds. Not diamonds. But lighted snowflakes, flying around. "They're fireflies." He tells me. I let go of his hand and turn round. I pulled my head back and watched the fireflies circle above me, forming a halo on my head. "They're beautiful." I find myself saying. Josh smiles.

We leaned on a tree. side by side, and watched the fireflies. He tried to catch one that landed on his shoulder. I giggled as another flew in front of his face, making him scream. "Oh you think that's funny, huh?" He smiles and shoves one in my face. The wings tickle my nose and I sneeze. "Josh, get that away!" I laugh but he continues to grab more and scare me with it. The fireflies tickled and I squirmed until I fall into his out stretched arms.

"Still think it's funny?" He asks with a broad grin as he holds my shoulder. But I don't reply. I only see his eyes, shining under the moonlight. The fireflies sets his smile aglow. At that moment, I forgot how to breathe. So I held my breath until he sets me down. "You okay, Julie?" He asks, concerned. I snapped out of my dream and said I was fine. My face was on fire. He'd caught me staring into his eyes.

"Do you want to go back?" He offers but I shake my head. "No. Let's stay for awhile." I say and we lay down on the grass, staring up at the stars. He folds his arms under his head and turns to look at me. "You know, Julie. You've got nice eyes." That comment took me by surprise. No one's ever said that about me. I mumbled a thanks and looked away.

"I can see the stars from your eyes." He says. I turn to see him still looking at me. "Really?" I tease. He only smiles. "Really." His eyes land on my lips. Suddenly, he scoots closer. Close enough we could feel each other's breaths. "Has anyone ever told you to never trust boys?" He asks, eyes still on my lips. "Yeah. I tell them to go to hell." I swallowed.

His lips pulled up at the corners then he leans forward to kiss me. In all my 14 years of my life, I've had a lot of people walk in and out of my life. Maybe this time, I've got one for keeps. I think as he kisses me, wrapping his arms around me protectively.

Josh Hutcherson One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz