The Blind Date

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"The green one or the blue?" June holds up the dresses for me. "Definitely the blue." I say, admiring the silky feel to it. "Tell me again about this date." I look at June who is grinning widely. "Well...," she says, "it's a blind double date for you and me. Sarah's cousins are coming down for a vacation and she thought she should... you know... hook us up." June giggles, twirling in the black dress she tried on earlier. I roll my eyes. Sarah's cousins?! I hope they're not bookworms like she is.


"Will you help me with my hair, Caroline? My braids are falling apart." That's June having a panic attack. I drag myself off the couch and tried to muster every bit of energy I have to fix her fishtail braids. It's only 5pm and she's all dressed up ready to go. I, on the other hand, can't be bothered. They were playing my favourite TV show but I have to sacrifice it for the date I don't even want to go to tonight.

"Quit sulking, Carr. I can see you from the mirror." June scolds. I put on a fake exaggerated grin while pulling at her braids. "Ouch! Oh no, you've just ruined it, Carr! You'll have to do it all over again!" Oh God, this going to be a loooong evening.


The time had barely passed 6:30pm, June was already flying around the room, shoving make up at me. "The date's in half an hour, Carr!" she shouts at me as if I didn't already know. I roll my eyes in reply.Yeah, I do that alot. She forces me into my ombre turquoise dress and slaps make up on my face while doing my hair. Man, this girl's a multitasker. And she's scary.

When it was finally time, the doorbell rang. I opened it to reveal a deeply engrossed Sarah. "Hey..." I say, waiting for her to look up at me. "Mmmhmmm. Have you read this? It's so good." She waves the book in my face. We awkwardly hug before she squeals, rushing into the house. "June! You look absolutely stunning!"  Sarah gasps at the sight of June in her blue strapless dress, completely ignoring me. Ouch. I turn to look at two dashing boys at my front door, nervously staring at the ground.

"Hey, I'm Josh Hutcherson." The blonde one pipes up when he notices me staring at them. With a smile, I say, "I'm Caroline." He introduces me to his brother Connor. "Hi, it's... uh... nice to meetcha." They don't look very bad, actually. The blonde one is pretty... hot.


After the massive hoo-hah of having to introduce June and the ride to the restuarant, we take our seats in a fancy restaurant down town. Josh politely pulls my chair out for me while Connor does the same for June. I think Connor has found a liking to June. They were practically flirting the whole ride. "So..." Josh says. "So..." I look at my napkin, brushing non-existent dirt off it. We both laugh, easing the awkwardness.

"What do you like for dinner?" He asks me just to make conversation. "They don't serve burgers here, do they?" I ask him. I love seeing him flash his smile. "I hope they do. I want pizza." The kimono clad waitress gave us an odd look, making us laugh again. So instead off burgers and pizza, we settled on some weird sounding steak. Well, this is a Japanese restaurant after all.


"Caroline, Sarah told us you do sports. What kind of sports do you do?" Connor asks me. "Ermmm... I'm in the school volleyball team, sometimes I play hockey but I'm more of... uh... a swimmer." Connor's jaw drops and Josh lets out a soft whistle. "You... you do all that?" Connor asks in disbelief. I nod. "But June dances.. and she sings. She's more interesting." I gestured to a bored looking June. I didn't want to be the only one in the spotlight. Connor went back to chatting with June. I turn to Josh who is deep in thought.

"You're not boring." He says, breaking the silence. "I didn't say that."

"But you said June was more interesting. Which clearly means you think you're less interesting."

I shrug, "It's true. Who would want to hear about freestyle swimming when they can talk about music? Certainly not me."

He stares at me for awhile without saying a word. And for the first time, I notice his eyes are my favourite kind of brown, chocolate brown. We finish our meal in silence, occasionally eavesdropping on Connor and June's conversation.

"That's not true." Josh finally says. "What's not true?"

"What you said. I'd like to hear about swimming. I'm a sports person too."

My heart skips a beat. Really?! He wants to hear about me?! "Oh." was all I could say.

"But... I'm... uh... it's just swimming." I pick at my green tea ice cream. "You're too modest, Caroline. And being modest is an advantage."


"Oh, I mean... you know... I like girls who are modest..." he pauses before adding, "Like you."

"Oh, okay." I blush. What?! Really?!


"Erm... what do you do?" I ask once we were out of the restaurant. Connor and June were taking a stroll outside so Josh and I decided to wait for them in the car. "I act." He smiles confidently. "Wow. That's a surprise."

"How is it a surprise?" He asks, amused by my reaction.

"For starters, you don't look like a big shot."

"I'm not a big shot." he says matter of factly.

"Really? Then explain why the girls outside are staring at you." I pointed out the window. A group of girls were waving excitedly at our car, some smiling, others taking photos.

He laughs, shaking his head. "Fine, I surrender. You may continue..."

"And secondly, you don't sound or act very... hmmmm.... how do i put this... egoistically?"

"What if I'm not the kind?" he still has that amused expression.

I lean closer, poking at his chest. "That's... impossible. Every big shot has an ego bigger than their head." I smile wickedly. My reply causes him to burst out laughing. He looks me in the eye before saying,

"I do have an ego. Probably smaller than you think. We're not all airheads, you know." he winks.

"Whatever. So you're a real actor?" I eyed him. He chuckles, "Yeah." We're just inches apart now. How did we get so close? "That's awesome, I suppose."

"You suppose a lot of things, Caroline. Which makes you much more fascinating." He looks at my lips. Suddenly, I feel self-conscious. Do I look like a mess? Oh no, I probably have green tea breath. Is he going to kiss me?

What?! How did that thought get in my head? Of course he's not going to kiss me. He probably has a big shot girlfriend back home. "No, I don't." Josh says, interrupting my thoughts. "What?" I ask. "I don't have a big shot girlfriend back home." He smiles.

" did you know I was thinking that?" My eyes go wide while my cheeks go tomato red. "You were whispering it out loud." I sink into my seat, covering my face with my hands, wishing I could die in a hole right now. "I...I .. didn't mean to... uh..." Oh no, I'm stuttering.

"Caroline?" He calls me. When I look up, I feel his lips on mine. And I instantly kiss him back. I didn't feel any fireworks like everybody claims they do. No. Instead, I feel the softness of his lips burning me. Like I was on fire. Instinctively, I pull him down for more. And we kiss with so much passion that we didn't see Connor and June staring wide eyed from outside. I pull away, feeling my cheeks go redder. But Josh wasn't blushing. He was smiling like a goof. A really hot goof.

"Should we let them in?" he asks me, a hint of playfulness in his voice. "Maybe not." I say. And we reach up to kiss again. Well, who knew a blind date could turn out so... well, eh?


Ta-Da! Haha. I hope you liked this one, Caroline. It's a little simple, though. :) Please do tell me what you think.

P.S: Do vote, comment and all the good stuff, peeps. :) :) :)

xoxo, Adelynn

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