Chapter 5 ~ The First Fight

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I jumped back to my flat fast and de-transformed. Mereas plopped out of my bow and landed on my hands.

'me is so hungry' she said. 'can me get some food?'

'yeah sure, what do you want?'

'Ice creaaaaam of course' she sang. I went to the fridge and got her some I ce cream. While I got ready for bed, she enjoyed it and when I came back she already fell asleep. I put her on a small pillow besides my bed on the night desk and lay also down. As soon as I laid down I immediately drifted to sleep.

The next morning

My alarm clock went on, I got fast up and got ready for university. Mereas sat on her pillow and we hummed together songs that played on the radio. When I got ready I showed her a bag she could hide while being in university and waking outside.

At university

I walked to university since it was really warm and the cherry trees were so beautiful to look at. I made my way to university until someone called my name. I turned around and saw the blonde guy from yesterday in the bakery.

I didn't want to see him anymore.

He makes my heart flutter and since he is Marinette's boyfriend I have to avoid this feeling.

'Good Morning, how are you doing?' he asked.

'Good Morning, I'm fine thanks. How are you?'

'Feeling tired, I couldn't sleep the whole night.' he said.

'I see, is something up on your mind or did you had a fight with Marinette? I said.

'Nuh, I decided to walk alone to university this time to think about something. Thats why Marinette isn't here.' he put on the cutest smile that he has and my heart just felt like it would melt.

'I see, well if you need anyone to talk, I'm a good listener.' I smiled at him. 'Thank you'

After the few words we exchanged, we didn't talk at all, but just walked together. Sometimes our hands crashed against eachother and I got butterflies in my tummy again, which I tried to ignore as good as I could.

When we arrived at the gate of university and since he is in another class, I said see you later to him and ran off to class. He waved to me and also went to his class.

As I walked through the halls on the way to my classroom, there were 3 girls talking about Adrien.

'Did you see, he came today with another girl than Marinette to school? Maybe they finally broke up.'

'Well it would be so nice to hear, that they broke up. But when they do he should be still single, so I could try my luck and ask him out.'

I moved forward to class, with a small blush because of the rumor. I hope that they will not hunt me down, because we were just walking together to school.

I entered the classroom where I got greeted by Marinette.' 'Crystal, good morning' I also wished her a good morning and asked her why she was so early today. 'oh, I didn't had to help in bakery today, so I got here earlier.' She smiled slightly but somehow her smile wasn't as beautiful as yesterday.

I couldn't ask her why she seemed upset today, since the teacher came and started with the class.

Today topic was to draw a scene in the rain. We should start sketching more ideas and the teacher will choose one idea she likes the most and which we have to finish.

I started sketching a lot of ideas, one with a girl and a guy sharing an umbrella, children who danced in the rain wearing rainboot and coats and the last sketch I finished was a fairy crying in a flower while it rains and since she can't use her wings because of the rain a boy found her and wanted to help her. The teacher called me to herself and I had to present my sketches to her.

'Well Miss Crystal, this drawings are all very beautiful, but the last one is the best one and I'm looking forward to it.

We started working on the drawing, since it had to be done by the end of the week and will be displayed at the school festival in 2 weeks.

After class I asked Marinette, if she wanted to go to the cafeteria, but she said she didn't felt that well and wanted to go home. I waved her goodbye as she left the classroom.

I packed up my things and wondered if something happened between Marinette and Adrien. They both acted somehow weird. I shrugged and thought how do I even know, I just know them since yesterday. So I just made my way to the cafeteria and enjoyed my lunch.

After school

After school I decided to get some art supplies for the drawing that will get displayed at the school festival. While I walked there I made like I would talk with someone on the phone but I just talked with my Kwami about what we like and dislike. I was a lot of fun talking to her. And she also warned me of getting to close to the holder of the black cat miraculous. I couldn't ask her why since we already arrived at the art supply shop. I went in and got all the things I needed. After the shopping spree I went to a small Cafe with Mereas and we enjoyed some delicious cake and cookies together.

But our conversation stopped after a villain flew through the window of the Cafe and chat noir as well as ladybug came in after him to release the Akuma from this person.

Chat Noir looked at my direction and blowed a kiss in my direction. Ladybug got distracted because of Chat Noir and the villain could attack them. Mereas gave me a sign that I should hide somewhere to transform. I walked into an empty alley and said 'Mereas sparkle up' As I finished becoming the dragon butterfly hero I flew to Ladybug and Chat Noir to help them defeat the villain. I took out my butterfly hammer and knocked the villain down. 'Hello' s, do ya need help? ' I asked.' I'm the new hero Ruby Rose.'

' Good Job, Ruby. ' they thanked me for knocking the villain down. We searched for the object in which the Akuma was inserted. As Ladybug found it she used her lucky charm and everything went back to normal. The Villain wasn't anymore an villain but a small woman. We helped her up and asked if she needed to go to the hospital. But she was totally fine so we waved everyone goodbye and jumped on the roof. Ladybug had to leave, since she used her Miraculous power.

I wanted to go back to the Cafe and at least pay for the food. But when I wanted to say goodbye, Chat Noir grabbed my wrist and asked if we could meet up tonight again.

'I'm sorry Chat Noir, but I have something to do today evening. We will see us when the next Akuma appears. See ya' I didn't even wait for his answer and just flew away, back to dark alley in the near of the Cafe I de-transformed and went back to it. Everything was still there so I sat down and ate everything up with Mereas. We paid and went back home. I already forgot what Mereas told me about not getting to close to Chat Noir but I always had to think about him and that he will still be waiting for me in the dark.

As I went back home I started working on the drawing. I finished the outlines and for today I'll end my work on it. While drawing on it Mereas told me more about my power as a hero. If I use my real power I can create everything I want with just my imagination and use it to fight a villain. We decided to practice a little bit tonight, I didn't tell Mereas, but I planned on also meeting with Chat Noir.

The Butterfly-dragon and the black cat [Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x OC]Where stories live. Discover now