Chapter 10 - troubles over troubles

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The next day I woke up with a bad headache. Mereas was still asleep and I let her have some more rest. I got up and jumped into the shower, maybe that would help to ease the headaches. Usually it helped a lot.
As I got out I felt a little better, but the headache still bothered me. I put on some clothes and went to the kitchen where I grabbed a glass and one pain relief medicine. I wouldn't finish the task for class on monday if I won't start today. I took my medicine and waited for the pain to vanish. While waiting I decided to scroll some through some reels and as soon as I opened the app, the first thing I saw was a message by Marinette telling me that I should be ashamed for stealing her boyfriend, while she linked me a vide, with a picture from Adrien and me at the library. This can't be. There was a picture of us in the library where he literally hugged me from behind. I shut my phone down as the pictures where all over the internet. This must be a bad dream and I had to wake up from it. I pinched my cheek, but nothing happened. No dream. So many thoughts where swirling in my head. How should I go normal to university or getting groceries, if everyone knows me? Life is going to be hell from now on and just because i made this comment about a certain model guy's hair towards him and he couldn't stop flirting with me after that.
My face colour faded when I realised, that just because of this matter my family could locate my whereabout and try to take me back with them. I need to leave as fast as I can or else I'll be a again a bird in a cage with no rights and freedom in her life. But where should I go now? I already used a lot of money to come and study here. I can't afford to travel and to get a new place to live.
Plus It would be a waste to cancel the retail contract and also drop out of university. But in this situation I can't seem to have another choice but to leave this place.
As I was struggling with debating if I should leave Paris or stay here, Mereas flew into the room. 'Morning' said the lil Kwami. I greeted her and looked back the screen of my tablet.
'Is something up, Chrystal? You don't seem that happy.'
'Well, it seems like we have to leave Paris. Thanks to Marinette and Adrien my face is everywhere and I'm scared that my parents will do everything to get me back, if they know where I am. We need to hide somewhere for the first time being, but I just don't know where we should go.'
'Oh no. But don't forget, you are a hero, we can figure something out.'
'That's true, but it won't be easy. I can't just go and say hey I'm Ruby the hero who fights with Ladybug and Cat Noir and I want to apply for a residence permit. If I could do it it would solve some problems though. Would be funny to see their faces, right?' We both started to laugh. 'If you'd do it they would gave you a permanent residence permit for sure. 'Yeah' I nodded and put my tablet beside.
'Are you hungry? I'm craving for something sweet.' I asked Mereas.
'Me too, do we still have the delicious cake we bought?'
'Yup, I'll go get it.'
As we finished eating the cake I got a notification, that some suspicious person was seen in Paris and he looked like
he has the lost peacock miraculous.
'Well Mereas, seems like we got some work to do. Someone with the power of the peacock miraculous was now spotted.'
'I'm ready, Crystal'
'Mereas, Sparkle up' I transformed and slid through the emergency exit where no one would see me. The suspicious person was seen in the near of where the masquerade should be today. As I flew to my destination I noticed on the ground a boy with a purple hoodie holding a fan and singing. When he snipped his fingers he made people disappear. I jumped to a roof near him, to get a better look who he is. He doesn't seem like he is possessed by an akuma. So I decided to talk to him.
'You know that you can't just walk around and make people vanish like that'
'Oh my dear, I know it's not the nice way to make people disappear. But in my plan there is no other way to do.'
'I don't care about your plan'
'Playing the tough one, I like that and if we weren't in that situation we would be good partners. But it's time for you to say goodbye to this world. Only Cat Noir and Ladybug are the one I need.'
'I still have things to do in this world, maybe next time.' As he started to snip his finger I activated my miraculous power silently to get invisible in the exact moment, he triggered his power to make me vanish. Light purple fog surrounded him and I used the chance to move behind him. Argos, who already thought he've won already, started to walk away as I grabbed him, slung my arm around his neck and holding both of his hands at his back. Being still invisible he is confused who actually caught him. He tried to fight against me but it didn't work. While I was holding him, ladybug arrived at the scene.
'Good job Ruby, I'm sorry I'm late, but I guess Argos isn't a big problem for you'
'Ruby?You little....' He hissed at me after I appeared again.
'No cursing at me lil boy or you will regret it.' I said coldly to him.
He hissed again at me while trying to free himself from my grip.  'Now Felix, tell me why you've let all disappear and why you even have the peacock miraculous?' Ladybug asked him. He just stayed in silence.
'Wait a sec, Felix? You know him?' Ruby asked.
'Yup, he is the cousin of Adrien Agreste. So now tell me everything. Are you partners with hawk moth and try to steal more miraculous?'
'No I never would do that. I'm just sick of everyone using their control over other people. I want to live in a world, where no one controls our lives and we are free to live like we want to. Hawk Moth I the one, I hate the most. He is the reason, why Adriens and my life are messed up.'
'What do you mean, he messed up your life's?' A voice behind us echoed from the darkness of the night. I turned around, to see Cat Noir walking in our direction.
'The day you lost every miraculous, I made a contract with Hawk Moth. I provided him all the miraculous. In return he had to give me the Peacock miraculous. But Hawk Moth wasn't only interested in the miraculous. He was also after the ring from Gabriel Agreste, I borrowed before . Can you think about a reason why he would even want to have some rings, that aren't even with the power of the miraculous, Cat Noir?'
Cat Noir just shook his head at first, but then his eyes got really wide.
'No, it can't be.'
'Yes, it is. Hawk Moth is Gabriel Agreste'

The Butterfly-dragon and the black cat [Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x OC]Where stories live. Discover now