Chapter 6 Break Up

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One week later

Chrystal was so exhausted, that they agreed, to not to train tomorrow. Her body is still not used to the impact of the miraculous and drained most of her power.

As soon as she took a shower and laid for a few minutes on the the bed, she drifted into a deep sleep.

When she woke up it was already noon. 'Good thing is, that her class starts at 3 pm' The little dragon kwami was still sleeping, so she decided to let her sleep and went to the kitchen to make them something to eat.

She made delicious pancakes. As she finished making them she turned the TV on and listened to some music on the music Channel while eating the pancakes. She started dancing around the room to her balcony to  get some fresh air. She stretched her arms out until a certain cat boy was hanging upside down. Their faces being only a few inches apart. 'Hey there, nice music taste you have. Do you mind if i join ya?'
She got surprised by him, being that close to her. 'Has a super hero like you even the time for dancing with random girls? You should go and save Paris instead of hanging here on my balcony.' I poked his nose, which made him sneeze and eventually made him lose his grip, so he almost fell down but managed to jump on the roof of the other building opposite from her balcony.
'Well, i  assure you paris is safe for now milady so the black cat can have some fun.' He said while bowing to her. 'Whatever, i have to go now Kitty. See you around.' I waved at him and turned around,without waiting for him to say bye. He embraced me from behind and whispered in my ear 'See ya, my favorite girl in town' He kissed me on the cheek and as I turned around he was already gone. I touched my cheek and asked myself what has gotten into him?
'Chrystal? Where are you?' i heard Mereas calling me from inside and i came back to reality. I went inside. 'Morning Mereas, how did you sleep?' 'Pretty good, but i heard some noises so i wanted to check if everything's okay. Did something happen?' She asked while grabbing her a pancake.
'Just Chat Noir jumping on the roofs and balcony happened. Nothing more' i checked the time and noticed that its already time for me to leave for class. I put my shoes and jacket on, grabbed my bag and Mereas slid fast into the pocket of my jacket and we left the flat.
On the way to university i walked past the bakery store of Marinette's parents until i heard someone calling me. I turned around and saw Marinette walking slowly to me. Something seemed off with Marinette. She wasn't bubbly and happy as she usually has been. 'Marinette is everything okay? Aren't you feeling well or something?' I asked her. Suddenly it started to rain , even though the sun was shining a minute ago. Marinette stopped walking. I turned around to her, hearing her sobbing.

'Chrystal' She paused a min trying to find the courage to say it.

'Adrien.... He broke up with me.'

I immediately hugged her,even thought i was shocked. Why did he break up with her? They've been together for so long and are the most popular couple at university. I cant find the right words, so I tried to comfort her by letting her cry on my shoulder' 'Im sorry Marinette. How about we skip classes today and we'll stay at my home watching shows, eating cake and ice cream as much as we want? She nodded while the tears still streamed down her face. Whe went back to my apartment and i suggested that she should take a shower, since we've been standing for too long in the rain. Gladly we are almost the same size and my clothes fit her. I told her i would go to the store and get some drinks and cakes while she showers.

When i arrived at the store i grabbed everything we needed and as i was about to go to the checkout at the supermarket someone tapped my shoulder and it was no other than the blonde haired guy, i wanted to avoid the most now.

The Butterfly-dragon and the black cat [Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x OC]Where stories live. Discover now