16: Events & The Truth

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*Fair warning to well...everyone, Niall is going to curse some in this chapter. You've been warned.*

Niall POV

Why the hell do I have to do this? Because I'm in love with Ellie? Cause that makes total sense. Not. I hate Miranda, with a burning passion. Every fiber of my being hates her. Everyone hates her! I have to go in a fucking date wih her. No, Ellie called it an event so it didn't sound as disturbing as date. I can't even imagine a sentence with the words me,date and Miranda in it. Well except that one, but you know what I mean. I really hate this, I've done nothing to deserve this. I've fallen in love with a beautiful girl and now she is pregnant, that's all I've done. The thing is, managment is only getting mad at me for dating some girl that is just a random fan when Harry is with Bridgette and she's just a random girl like Ellie. Even Eleanor isn't known for doing anything. Ok, just stop making life harder on yourself Niall. You're just making things worse. I sat in the driveway to Miranda's house and waited for her to walk out. I turned on the radio and Coldplay came on. I just sang along to it and then Miranda sat down in the passenger side of the car. "Hey Niall. Ready for our date?" She asked, I just shivered at the thought of us on a date. I pulled out of the dirveway and headed down the street to some elegant restaurant in the middle if London, managment clearly set up this date. She began talking about herself like she always does. The volume controls were on the steering wheel of my car so as she kept talking I gradually turned up the volume so I couldn't hear her. Once we arrived at the restaurant I got out of my car and was ambushed by many fans. Yea, I'm claustrophobic but I'll do anything to keep this date from happening. I signed many pictuers and CDs, took tons of pictuers with ever girl there. Miranda impatiently stood near the entrance of the restaurant. I started conversations with all the fans and then Miranda walked over and pulled me out of the crowd into the restaurant. She basically threw me into a chair and then sat down herself. "What the hell was that for?" I calmly asked. If we weren't in public right now I would be yelling on the top of my lungs. "We have a reservation. Couldn't let that ruin our relationship." She said with a creepy smile. "Miranda, we aren't dating. This is all a publicity stunt so no one knows I'm going to have a kid in a few months. I'm dating Elizabeth, not your slutty ass." I said raising my voice a little so she understood my anger. "Why are you dating that little hoe? She's no good for you! She's pregnant anyway! She's just goog to ruin your career!" Miranda yelled. "She's pregnant with my child! Don't you dare call her a hoe when you yourself are the queen of sluts!" I yelled standing from the table and creating a scene a little. "I'm not a slut! Since you have no respect for me this relationship is over!" She yelled. "Hello! Earth to dumbass! We were never in a relationship! I know nothing about you! I don't give a fuck about you! So don't try and act like you're a victim of a relationship that never even fucking existed!" I yelled and everyone was watching us now. "If we aren't in a relationship then why would you always talk about me in interviews and stuff Niall? Explain that." She said knowing I was going to make managment extremely angry right about now. "It was all a set up! It's for publicity! Wasn't my idea it was management's! I really don't know anything about you! I'm not in love with you! I'm in love with Elizabeth! She means everything to me and all you can do is act like the whole world revolves around you! I don't like you! No one does! Just leave me and my friends alone!" I said. As I finished my rant I walked out of the restaurant and into my car. I sat in the drivers seat and saw everyone staring at me. The fans, people in the restaurant, random people walking down the street and Miranda. She held the most devilish smile across her face, like she had just gotten what she wanted. I didn't care about her, I never have and never will. I started my car and headed home.

Elizabeth POV

Bridgette and I were having a girl day at my house. The other guys went out to do something while Niall was gone so that left us here. We were watching Tangled, yeah I know. Two girls that are almost twenty watching a Disney movie is childish but who cares. As the movie was coming to an end I heard furious car door slamming coming from outside. I imagined it was one of the other guys since Niall had only left about half an hour ago, but it was Niall. When he walked in you could instantly feel that he was very angry. "Niall what happened?" I asked and he just looked at me, not an angry look but more of a look of saddness. "I'm going to go." Bridgette said getting off the couch and out the door so Niall and I would have some privacy. "Niall, speak to me." I said as I walked over to Niall. His mouth opened but no words came out. I placed my hand on his cheek and tears formed in his eyes. "It's alright." I said pulling him into a hug while he cried. "No it's not alright Ellie." He said. "What happened?" I asked. "Nothing, I probably just ruined my chances of being in the band again. Miranda was being a bitch and she called you a hoe." Niall began. "That whore!" I said. Niall nodded in agreement. "The worst part is, I basically told everyone in London that Miranda and I were a publicity stunt and it was all of management's idea. When they find out about this I'm so done in One Direction." Niall added slowly moving toward the couch. "You did the right thing. If you didn't do it you would have suffered longer." I said comforting him. "There's another thing." Niall said sitting up. "What?" I asked concerned. "Everyone now knows that you're pregnant with my baby and that your name is Elizabeth." Niall said shamefully putting his face into his hands. I'm strangely enough not mad. I grabbed Niall's hand and placed it on my stomach once I felt Colin kick. His head was raised from his hand once he felt it. His eyes lit up and a smile grew across his face. "Was that? Colin?" He asked with astonishment in his voice. "Yea, no matter what happens you'll always have both of us." I said as Niall gave me a kiss. "Good, I never want to lose either one of you." He said pulling away. "Are you going to kick again? For daddy?" Niall said talking to my stomach. Colin kicked again in the same place that Niall's hand was. He smiled at me again. "He heard me." Niall said with excitment. "He likes your voice. Whenever you talk he moves around like crazy." I said. "Oh shit! We need to make the nursery!" Niall said panicking. "We can begin that next week or something. Lets just chill out for now." I said as I laid back on the couch. 'You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away.' Niall sang to my stomach. "Niall? What are you doing?" I asked laughing. "Singing to him." Niall said still humming the tune. "How did you know to sing that song?" I asked. "I read the baby books. Duh!" Niall said playfully rolling his eyes. For the rest of the night Niall sang songs to the baby and eventually I fell asleep. At about 3 in the morning I woke up with a sharp pain in my stomach region. "Niall, wake up." I said quickly shaking Niall. "What is it Ellie?" Niall asked still half asleep. "We have to go to the hospital. Now!"

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