19: Showers & Surprises

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Bridgette POV

"No El, we need blue. It's a boy remember." I spoke to Eleanor over the phone as her and Perrie struggled to finish decorating. "Alright Bridg. Just go get her ready. We will be done when you get here." Eleanor said. "Ok bye." I said ending the call. Now my main objective is to make Elizabeth think we are just going out instead of to her baby shower, even though she is going to figure it out I can still try.

Elizabeth POV

No one has come to visit me today. Well Niall hasn't because he and the boys have a interview today but even Bridg would be here. Or atleast Eleanor. A knock at the room's door obstructed my thoughts. "Come in." I yelled. "Hey El." Bridgette said walking in and looking overly dressed for just hanging out with me all day. "Why are you wearing that?" I asked her since I knew something was up. "What?" She questioned. "You of all people don't wear a skirt unless there is something important happening." I stated. "Well maybe I just feel girly today." She said, good enough reason I guess. "Well lets go." She said motioning for me to get out of bed. "Where?" I asked. "I asked the nurse, Julie, about taking you out to get you from this hell hole and she said I could. Now lets go." She said as I sat up trying to tell he I'm not going. "I know what you're thinking and it's not anywhere major. It's the recreation area of the hospital. It gets you out of the room." She said hoping that would make me want to go. Strangely enough it did, I mean as long as I'm in the hospital everything should be fine. "Alright. Just tell me I have some clothes that will fit over this." I said guestering to the enormous baby bump. "Yeah, you do. Maura brought you some remember?" She questioned. "Oh yeah! Can you get them? They are on the table over there." I said pointing to a blue bag on the table across the room. Bridgette handed me the bag and I got out my clothes and then went to the bathroom. I got dressed in a cream and white striped long sleeve maternity shirt with some black maternity leggings and put on cream Uggs to match the shirt. I got out of the bathroom and Bridg had waved my hair messily. "What about the medicine?" I asked talking about the medicine that keeps me from going into labor. "Julie said you'd be fine for a few hours without it." Bridg said. I nodded my head and followed her out the door down to the recreation area of the hospital. "Ready?" She asked me right before we went through the doors. I looked around t make sure nothing was going to jump out at me then nodded my head, making her open the door. Once the doors were pushed open I heard many voices shout 'surprise!'. I knew it was this. I just didn't wanna ruin the surprise. "You guys. This looks great." I said to everyone in the room. "Thanks. Eleanor and Perrie took hours on it." Bridgette said putting her arm around my shoulder. "It really looks great girls." I said to Eleanor an Perrie as they walked over to greet me. "Thanks." They both said in unison causing us to laugh. "Hey Elizabeth, you look like you're feeling well." Maura said as she walked over to me. "Thanks Maura, I've felt really well lately." I said as she hugged me. "That's good." She said and then I saw my love across the room. He was just talking and laughing with the boys. That's honestly the first time I've seen him smile in a few months. I tried my best to walk over to him and then Bridgette grabbed my arm and sat me down in a chair. "Presents!" She cheered and every seemed to gather around in a circle. "Niall! Come sit with your girlfriend!" Bridg demanded. He walked over to the chair next to me and shot me a smile as he sat down. "Alright, this one first." Perrie said handing me a green bag. "From: Zayn and Perrie." I said and looked up and them as Perrie looked overly excited. I opened the bag to find little onesies and them some booties at the bottom. They all said something to do with being Irish on them. "Aww, guys these are adorable." I said. "Glad you like them, Zayn picked them out." Perrie said and Zayn looked very prideful about his decision. "Good job Zayn, you'd get an A for this." I said and he smiled at that remark. "Open this one!" Eleanor said holding me a large box that's been wrapped in paper. "From Louis and Eleanor. I wonder what it could be." I said curiously and Lou had a smile on his face when I looked up. I ripped through the wrapping paper and saw a bouncy chair. "This is so cute!" I exclaimed making my voice squeak. "Thanks you two. And Happy almost your birthday Lou!" I said. "Thanks Elizabeth." He said laughing. I remembered that tomorrow is Lou's birthday and I've gotten him nothing! "Ok open this." Bridg said handing me another bag. "From Maura." I said as then smiled at her. I opened the bag to see a ton of baby things, like gas drops and blankets and thermometer. It was more medical things for the baby. "Do they really need all of this?" I asked her. "Yeah they do. Especially the gas drops if it's his child." Maura said pointing to Niall who's face turned red. "So it'll need it." I said laughing at Niall who is trying to avoid all of the eye contact. "Ok, this one." Dani said handing me a basket full of things. "From Liam and Danielle." I said. It had spit up rags, cloth diapers, pacifiers, bath rags, diapers, bottles and toys. It was full of things. "This is like heaven." I said causing then to laugh. "Just a little piece of it." Dani said while laughing. "I'm guessing all of the purple things Liam chose." I assumed and Liam just looked down at the ground causing me to laugh. "Alright, open this now." Bridgette said holding me a large box and then a bag. "From Bridgette and Harold." I said laughing at Harry's name. "Shut up. She made me." Harry said accusing Bridgette. I laughed and shook my head then opened the bag to see more onesies. Only this time they were special ones. They were One Direction ones. It had all of the boy's faces on it. One said Baby Horan on the back which I thought was adorable. "How? What? Where? Why? These are so cute!" I exclaimed. "Thanks, I found them when I went with Zayn and Perrie to shop with them." Bridg said. The last one said Cat Magnet and I just glared at Harry who had the cheesiest smile across his dimpled face. "You better be happy it says cat Styles." I said and everyone laughed. I unwrapped the large box to see a large stroller in it. "Thanks you two, I never thought about this." I said. "You're welcome." Bridgette said. "Alright, who wants cake?" Eleanor asked and everyone cheered. As we all moved to the cake table I was last to get up from my chair. Once I stood I felt it, it was back. I could feel the contractions beginning to form again. They were bad like the ones before but I don't want to ruin the party, the girls worked so hard. Anyway, the doctors say to wait for them to be closer before admitting to the hospital so I think I'm good for a while. I walked over to the table that everyone was waiting at and began cutting the cake. Once I got my piece I rushed back over to my seat because an even worse contraction hit me. Probably the worst one I've ever had. I wanted to scream in pain but I held it in so no one would be alarmed. I sat in my chair once the pain diminished and waited for Niall to meet me at the table. Once he sat down he smiled at me. I smiled back but was cut off by another awful contraction. Ok, this isn't normal for them to be this close already. "Ellie, what's wrong?" Niall asked since he probably saw my pain face. "I-I'm in labor again. Really bad one this time." I said. "Well come on, lets take you back to the room." Niall said standing from his seat. "No, I'll be fine for a while. Let's enjoy the party the girls threw." I lied and I guess Niall bought it, he sat back down and ate his cake but held onto my hand so I could squeeze it when I needed to. "Hey Elizabeth! Come here!" Eleanor yelled from across the room. Alright, you can do this. I stood from my seat and began making my way over to her when I felt water on my feet. This made me fall to my knees in pain. Everyone rushed around me. "She's in labor! Get her to her room!"

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