10: Reality & Parks

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Elizabeth POV

"Ellie, wake up!" Niall said. "Ellie!" I opened my eyes to see his blue eyes filled with worry. I sprung out of bed to look in the full length mirror. I pulled up my shirt to see if I had a baby bump. "Ellie? What are you doing?" Niall asked walking over to me. "I don't have a baby bump Niall." I said on the verge of tears. "Babe, you're barely two months pregnant. You're not going to have a bump now." "Only two months?" I asked trying to dry the tears flowing from my eyes. "Yea, why are you freaking out about this?" he asked seeming even more concerned then before. "I had an awful nightmare that I was 4 months pregnant and I had no bump and we went to the hospital to find out the gender and it turns out the baby had died." I said as tears ran down my cheek. Niall pulled me into a hug. "Baby don't cry. It was just a dream. Everything is fine." He drew circles in my back while I cried into his shoulder. "I'm just so scared." I said pulling out of the hug. "There is no need to be scared Ellie, nothing bad is going to happen." He said wiping the tears off my cheeks with his thumb. "Wait where is Bridgette, and Zayn!?" I began to panic again. I ran out of the room and down the stairs to see Zayn sitting on the couch and Bridgette isn't anywhere to be found. Everything is normal. "Where the hell did you go!?" I said slapping the back of Zayn's head. "Why are you hitting me?" He exclaimed patting the back of his head. "It's called a love tap and you didn't answer my question." "I went to take Miranda to the airport. I've been meaning to tell you that Miranda kissed me. I don't like her! I tried to defend her because I felt bad for her, you know the constant hate. I don't like her! I swear I don't so don't make me seem like the bad guy here." "Ok Zayn." He stood up and I gave him a hug. "Why are you acting so weird today?" He asked surprises to the fact I as hugging him. "I had a dream that you moved away with Miranda and left Perrie here and never came back." "For future reference, I would never do that." He said as the hug ended. I smiled at him and then walked into the kitchen where Harry and Louis were. "Where did Bridgette go?" I asks Haz. "She went home last night she said she didn't want to intrude." "You should have told her to stay." "Why? That would be going way to fast for our relationship since we aren't even boyfriend and girlfriend yet. We haven't even had our first date." "Oh well next time tell her she isn't intruding ok." Haz nodded I have Louis and Haz a hug. "What is wrong with you?" Louis said. "Nothing just having a good day. Did Bridgette say she was coming back over today?" "Actually yea she is." Harry said with a smile. "Yes! Happy dance!" I started to do some weird dance in the middle of the kitchen and the boys followed. Niall walked in. "What is wrong with you?" He asked laughing. "Just a great day. Don't judge me I'm not perfect." "Yea I know that's why I love you." He said giving me a kiss. "Ewwww!!!" Louis yelled. "Hey I don't yell that when you and Eleanor kiss." I said breaking the kiss. "Do you think we enjoy watching that?" Niall asked Lou. "I don't see why not." Lou said and then left the kitchen. Then there was a knock at the door. "I got it!" I yelled running to the door. I opened it to see Bridgette and two other people, David and Ameryn. Ameryn is David's twin sister that's 18. "Oh my God! David!" I yelled giving him a hug. "El!" he yelled during the hug. He picked me up and twirled me around. Once he put me down they all walked in. "Hi I'm Niall." Niall said putting his hand out waiting for David to shake it, he did. "David, nice to meet you." David said. Ameryn is really shy and doesn't talk much, yea we're friends but she isn't the best when around new people. "Hey Ameryn!" I said cheerfully so she felt welcome. "Hey." she said a bit quietly, typical Ameryn. Then Liam came down the stairs, he stopped dead in his tracks. "Liam? everything alright?" I asked him from across the room. He curled his finger guestering for me to come to him, I did. "What Liam?" I asked quietly so no one could hear. "Who is that?" he asked. "Who? The brown haired girl?" he nodded vigorously. "Ameryn, David's twin sister." "How do you know her?" "My best guy friend David is her twin brother like I said before. Come and meet her, she's really shy and would appreciate the gesture." I said walking over to Bridgette as Liam followed but going to Ameryn. "Wait you come here." I said pulling Bridg into the kitchen. "What?" she asked surprised. "Why is he here? After all the tears yesterday?" "He told me he was coming here to see you, because I told him you lived here." Yea I know I'm an American but I use to come visit Bridgette in Ireland all the time and David and Ameryn would be around, for anyone who was momentarily confused. "Wait did you ever answer the text?" "uh.....no..." she quietly said. "Bridgette what the hell! I told you to fucking text him! Does he even fucking know?" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "No keep your voice down he's only in the next room!" she said a bit louder. "Sorry, it's just it's going to be awkward with him and Harry being in the same room. Oh God what if you sat down and then Haz sat down on one side and then David on the other side? I would just be like..SALT!" I yelled the last part for a more playful dramatic affect. "Oh gee El thanks for the help." she went back to the living room and I followed. "Oh shit!" I semi-yelled and all eight people on the room stared at me. "Heh, I'm still in my bed clothes so I'm just gonna..." I cut myself off by running up the stairs and everyone laughed as I left. I showered really quick and got dressed in some dark blue skinny jeans and a blue Hollister teeshirt. I slipped on my sparkly TOMS and put my hair in a bun, did a little bit of makeup and was back downstairs. "Hey, did anyone miss me?" I said striking a pose when I was at the bottom of the stairs. "Yes!" Niall said. "Are you sure you're pregnant? You don't seem any different." David said. "Yep pretty sure, first I peed on a stick that said I was then I went to the hospital and peed in a cup and then they said I was so I'm guessing the pee doesn't lie!" I said and everyone laughed at my description. "Anyway who told you that?" I scanned the room to notice that Eleanor and Perrie had shown up. Suddenly Eleanor and Louis' faces looked a bit guilty. "Ha! I knew it was you two!" I said pointing at them. "Sorry Elizabeth, couldn't help it." Eleanor said. We call each other by our full names since everyone else calls both of us El. "It's alright Eleanor. At least he knows right." I said laughing. "So what are we going to do all day? Hang out here? Have a party?" David said. "No no no no no.....pregnant girls don't party." I said. "Ok then no party thanks to the pregnant girl. What are we going to do then?" David said again. "Uh...what's something ten teenagers and one 20 year old child could do on a random Wednesday?" I asked looking at Louis to see his expression to what I called him. "We could all just go hang out at the park, it seems like a pretty day." Bridgette said. We all exchanged looks and then agreed we would go there. "To the cars!" Louis yelled. "wait we are actually doing what I suggested? No one ever does what I suggest." Bridgette said surprised. We all laughed at how excited she was and then pilled into the cars. Bridgette, Haz, Niall and I in one. Liam, Ameryn and David in one and Louis, Eleanor, Zayn and Perrie in one as well. We went to this massive park in the middle of no where so no fans would find the boys. As soon as we got out Haz, Lou and Ni all raced toward the swings. Liam and Ameryn went off to talk. Bridgette went after Haz only to be followed by David, Perrie and Zayn went off somewhere leaving me and Eleanor. "So what's going on with Harry, David and Bridgette?" she asked. "How do you know something is going on between them?" I asked her. "I'm a girl, I can feel tension and I know it's them by the way she acts around them." "Well David is Bridg's best guy friend and he really likes her but she doesn't like him. He asked her out and she never really answered him and now he is visiting me here in London. She really likes Haz and she feels really awkward being around him. She doesn't want to ruin their friendship." "Oh that's awful, did you give her any advice?" "I told her just to explain it all to David he wil understand. I should have told her that it wouldn't be awkward if she would quit making it awkward." "That might have been helpful." Just then Niall ran up to me and pulled me toward the swings. "Ni! Slow the fuck down!" I yelled. We finally arrived at the swings. "What the hell?" I asked. "Do all pregnant girl curse that much?" David asked. "Well for a matter of fact, I didn't really have the cleanest vocabulary before that." "Isn't that the truth." Bridgette said sarcastically. I playfully slapped her arm. "Niall why am I over here?" "You looked bored over there by yourself." "I was talking to Eleanor." "Oh, well you can go back...nevermind, Lou got her." he said making me laugh. "What do you want to do?" "Uh, slides?" he asked shrugging his shoulders. "Sure, why not?" We both ran over to the slides and well slid down them. Niall would try to climb back up them but he'd slip and fall back down. Quite hysterical if you ask me. "Stop laughing its not funny." he said. "You're right! It's fucking hilarious!" I yelled. He began laughing as well. We all just hung out at the park for a few more hours and for the first time in a long time Louis was not going crazy once we got home, he might has used up all his energy. It was about 8 by the time we got home, yea the boys had a lot of fun at the park. Harry and Bridgette went out and so did Louis, Eleanor, Zayn, and Perrie. That left David, Ameryn, and Liam here with Niall and I. We all watches a movie and by the time it was over it was about 10. I was fucking exhausted! I went upstairs and changed into some spanx and Niall'a teeshirt because my drawers were to far away. I just laid down on the bed and about two minutes later I had Niall join me. Mangement! "Hey Nialler,before I go to sleep can I ask you something?" I asked almost asleep. "Sure baby, what is it?" "Well, I know it's only been a day but have you thought about the management thing?" "Some, well actually quite a bit." "And do you know which way your heading? I mean if you don't it's fine." "Actually yes I do." he had a smile across his face. "What is it?" "I'd choose you."

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