5: Yelling & Tears

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Elizabeth POV

It's been maybe five minutes and my parents still haven't said a word to me. They just awkwardly sat up and acted like I wasn't there, like Niall wasn't there, like it was just them two. They kept whispering things to each other so that Niall and I couldn't hear them. "Mom you can't just act like I'm not here." I semi-yelled. She did nothing, not even look my way. "Dad, I'm your only child. You can't just ingnore me." He didn't do anything either. "Well, then if you two aren't going to grow up and talk to me then I'm going home." I stood up and walked to the car with no one stopping me. Tears began to fall from my eyes. I knew they wouldn't want anything to do with me now! I knew they wouldn't want to see the baby! I ruined everything! Just as the tears got so bad I could barely breath Niall came to comfort me. "Ellie, calm down. Please baby calm down." He said wrapping his arms around me and rubbing my back. "Niall.....they...they ha...hate me!" I yell as I begin to ball again. "No they don't they just need time to process things. They don't hate you." "Did.. they even say anything...when I left?" I asked pulling away from the hug. "Well they didn't say anything, but I think your mom started to cry." Long pause. "Niall? Can we please just go home." I said trying not to cry again. "Yes Ellie anything you want." he gave me a kiss and then started the car. We drove home and first thing I did was change. I put on some large baggy grey sweats and a hot pink v-neck. I went back to the living room and turned on Netflix. And again What To Expect When You're Expecting popped up. "Why won't you go away!" I yell throwing a piece of popcorn I found on the couch at the television. "What are you yelling about El?" Niall asked. I didn't responded, Niall just walked over and sat on the couch beside me. The smell of his cologne reminds me of my birthday last month. You know before I got pregnant, when my parents still loved me, when everything was good. Well, except management and Miranda but that's it. It reminds me of how much my parents loved me. Of how normal life was gonna be, yea was. I kept searching Netflix and laid my head on his shoulder and began to cry again. "Why are you still crying?" Niall asked surprised. "Because I screwed everything up. My parents hate me and now our child won't even have them for grandparents and my parents are gonna hate him or her and they won't be at birthdays or Christmas or thanksgiving or.." "Stop it." "What?" "Stop it. You're over thinking everything. You always over think everything El. They don't hate you they just need to over think things, they won't hate the baby. Just please trust me and quit over thinking. I hate seeing you sad." he kissed my forehead. We finally found a movie. Yea you guessed it, a scary one. We watched Insidious and it really made me feel better for some reason. Horror movies always lift my mood. Once the movie ended I was starving once again. "Niall, do you want any food?" I asked walking into the kitchen and looking in the fridge and cabinets. "Can we make a cake or something?" he asked jumping at his idea. Just then there was a knock at the door. Niall walked over to open the door. He first looked out the peep hole to make sure it wasn't fans. He gave me a serious look and I knew just who it was, my parents. I shook my head vigorously telling him not to open the door but did he care what I said, no. He opened the door and let my parents walk in without saying hello or anything the normal Niall would. "Elizabeth, we need to talk." my mom said gesturing for me to sit with her on the couch. "I'm busy making a cake. We can talk over here." I say not bothering to look at her. She walked over to where I was and sat on the barstool. "We need to talk about this Lizzie." "Don't call me Lizzie, no one has called me Lizzie since I was five." I snapped. "Fine then Ellie." "No one but Niall calls me Ellie." "My god Elizabeth just let us talk about this." my dad butted in. "Go on then." I still haven't looked up at either one of them. "Look me and your father thought it was very sudden you being pregnant and you two have only been together for almost two years." "And? I know there is something else you want to say." "Are you sure you want to keep it? I mean you just turned 19 and this might even hurt his career and how are you going to take care of a child if he's gone all the time." "You want me to get an abortion!? What happened to if you get pregnant then you have to carry the baby!? That's what you always told me mom! This baby is staying! I'm not getting rid of it! Niall's career won't be ruined cause of an innocent baby! And I can take care of it while he is on tour! I am capable of things too!" I tell on the top of my lungs and the boys heard since their apartments are right next door so they ran in. "What's going on!?" Zayn yelled. "Nothing Zayn." Niall whispered to Zayn to keep him out of the war currently going on between my mom and I. "Elizabeth are you sure you can! You're only 19! That's a little to young to have a child!" my mom yelled back. "I don't care! It's my child and I'm keeping it! You and dad can leave now though!" I said going back to making my cake. "I'm just trying to think of what's best." my mom said walking out the door and my dad followed. I kep making the cake when all five of the boys walked over to me. "What guys?" I asked lifelessly. "We want to make sure you're ok." Liam said. "I'm fine." "You don't seem good." Harry said. "I'm good trust me guys. I appreciate the concern but I'm really fine." "Well to get our minds off this situation..did you guys think of any names?" Louis asked. "Louis I just found out I was prego yesterday." I say with a bit of laughter in my voice. "Well we were just wondering." Zayn said. "Well actually I did." Niall said. "And what are those?" I asked. "Well there was a lot I liked but I can only think of two right now." I urged him to go on. "So if it's a girl I wanna name her Victoria and if it's a boy I like Lucas. I have many more I just can't think of any others for some reason." he said with a laugh. "Those are cute Ni." I say giving him a kiss. "Oooooooo!" all they boys say in unison. "Shut up." I say putting the cake in the oven. "Shouldn't you boys be getting home? Isn't it past your bedtime?" I said with a smirk. "No, its only 8 bedtime is 9." Louis said sarcastically. "Well you better go get ready then." I said pointing to the door. All four of the boys slowly walked through the door. Once the door had shut Niall spoke. "You can cry now if you need to." "No, I'm good. I have no tears left to cry with." Niall just hugged me for what seemed like years. Then there was a beeping noise signaling the cake being done. I turned around and got out the chocolate cake. "Ni what icing do we have?" "Uh let's see." he went through the caibnates. "We have Pink icing, chocolate icing and some white icing with colored sprinkles in it." "The white one definitely!" I yell. "I thought you were going to pick the pink one." he said laughing. "Never!" I said laughing. We iced the cake kind of, Niall and I ate most of the icing before it was on the cake. "I'm to full from icing to eat the cake now." I say. "Same here, we can just give this to one of the guys tomorrow." "Bedtime?" "Yea, bedtime." Niall said walking to the bedroom and getting ready for bed. We got ready for bed and laid down. I laid my head on Niall's chest. "Ni?" "Yeah Ellie?" "Now we have to move into that huge house." "Yeah and?" "That's a lot of things to pack. With our stuff and the boys." "Yeah but you've got five guys to help pack." "No I have you and Liam to help me. Zayn will be to worried about his hair or something to help. Lou will be causing mischeif and Haz will be right there with him." "Oh well then there are three people. But how many things could they have?"


Yea I uploaded twice today! :D

Anyway sorry there isn't much of a cliff hanger but it's something to think about.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and vote!

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