11: Desicions & Quitting

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Just saying my math was wrong for when she can tell what the baby is but for the story it will be soon!


Elizabeth POV

*Two weeks later*

Today was the day that Niall had to tell Paul his decision. He hasn't told any of the boys about what Paul had said, well except Haz. I didn't want him to choose me honestly. I wanted him to go on with his dream and have fun. I told he could choose the band and us still keep in touch, which I doubt would happen even if he chose that, but he wouldn't take that. He wanted to be in this baby's life as much as possible wether it meant quitting the band or not. I can't believe I'm the one making him choose. If I didn't get pregnant then none of this would have happened, sure management would still hate the fact that Niall was dating a nobody from the states, but it wouldn't have been this hard. I was in my pajamas but to lazy to change really. I went downstairs to get some food. I saw Zayn, Lou and Liam playing the Xbox in the living room. "Where is Haz?" I asked them. "He said something about Bridgette and that he had to go." Louis said. "Oh." I muttered barley audible. I went into the kitchen and began to make some pancakes, then I heard some thumping comming from the stairs. I turned to look and saw everyone laughing and Niall at the bottom. "Oh my God Niall! What the hell?!" I yelled and laughed. It's pretty clear the Niall just fell down the stairs. "I got excited." he said laughing even louder then I. I smelt something burning and turned around to see an almost completely black pancake on the pan. "Shit!" I yelled going back over to the pan. Wasn't long before the whole kitchen was filled with smoke. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." basically what I was saying while trying to air out the kitchen. It was weird usually this smell would be so grotesque that I couldn't stand it but it just smells so good today. Oh yeah I'm pregnant, babys can seriously fuck you up. I went outside following the other boys who were coughing nonstop. "Come on it wasn't that bad of a smell." I said. "You have no idea El, it was awful." Zayn said. Once the place was finally aired out I decided to go get dressed real quick then I would finish making the pancakes. I ran up the stairs and got in the shower. Got out, then got dressed in some short shorts that we're really comfortable and a loose blue button up tank top that was kind of see through. It's great, I mean for now I have no baby bump so all my clothes fit me, but like I said for now. I went back downstairs, even though my hair was still wet, and finished the pancakes. When I has finished I was putting them on plates then I felt someone's head on my shoulder and arms around my waist. "Guess who it is." he said trying to make his voice deeper although I could still hear his Irish accent. "Nialler, I know it's you." "Damn." I wasn't really shocked at him cursing. I mean he's Irish, but he never really did curse in front of me before all the hormones and crap but now he does since I say them all the time. "Anyway, what time are we leaving to go tell them." I said turning around from what I was doing. "About that Ellie, I wanted to go alone to that." "Why?" "Well I didn't want you to be there and Paul say something bad about my idea, saying something bad about you or the baby." I agreed with him, sadly enough, and didn't go. Right then Niall told me bye and then was out the door.

Niall POV

Great, now off to management we go. I started the car and was on my way. When Paul made me choose between the band and Ellie, I didn't give it a second thought, I chose Ellie and my baby. I just feel so different with her, she's different than any other girl I've dated. I want to be with this girl forever. I want us to be together forever. I pulled into the driveway to the building that Paul was usually at working on stuff for tour. I slowly walked in to face Paul already in the main lobby. "How did you know I was coming?" I asked confused. "Elizabeth called and told me you were." he said crossing his arms. "Is that all she said?" I asked. He nodded. "Well I've come to a conclusion about what I'm going to choose." I said. "And that is?" "I choose Ellie and my baby." I said and his jaw dropped. "What? You're leaving the band for some girl?" he said shocked. "It's not just some girl Paul, she's the love of my life. And yes I'm leaving the band for her and our child." Paul began to become more composed and calm. "Alright then. Do you want to tell Simon or shall I?" he said with a sly grin across his face. "You do it because for now on, I have nothing to do with the band." I walked out. I can't believe what I have just done. I just quit the best job in the whole universe. I quit my dream in the matter of seconds. I'm not in One Direction anymore. It's all gone now. I slowly walked to my car and just sat there for a few minutes letting everything sink in. Then I decided to go home and tell the boys all the news. I was home in what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes. I got out of the car and went into the house to see everyone in the same place as when I left, except Ellie. "Where's Ellie?" I asked worried. "She said she was going for a walk." Liam said. "Do you know where she went?" I asked and they all shook their heads no. Shit. I went out of the flat and down one end of the street, no one that way. I turned around and went down the other end and found a girl about average height with dirty blond/brown hair that's a little longer then shoulders length. "Ellie!" I yelled and she turned around and I saw tears down her cheeks. I caught up to her. "Why are you crying?" I asked her. "Niall I made you have to choose, if I had never gotten pregnant then this wouldn't have happened. I've ruined your life Niall." she said beginning to cry harder. "Ellie, last time I checked it takes two people to make a baby so this isn't your fault. It's no ones fault, it's more of a gift." I know it sounds cheesy but it's true. "You didn't ruin my life either, you've made it a million times better. Does that come with some concuquiences? Yea it does but I'll do anything to be with you." That made her smile. I gave her a kiss and then we went back to the flat. We went inside to see Zayn, Louis, and Liam staring angrily at me. Harry came back now though he's just in the kitchen. I sent Ellie in there so she didn't have to hear this. "What?" I questioned. "You quit the band!?" Louis yelled. "So? I can't just leave Ellie." "You could have warned us about this! We could have done something!" Zayn yelled. "There is nothing we could do. Paul made it very clear that either I choose the band or I choose her and I'm not leaving my girlfriend and unborn child!" I began to get angry. "He's right guys, there's not much possible for us to do, but I have an idea." Harry said. "What is it?" Liam asked.


Yea another a/n but I wanted to say that this story is possibly going to be two books. What do you guys think I should do? So what do you think Haz is up to? What is going to happen with Niall that he's not it the band? Comment and vote like always! Xx

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