14: My Boy & More Cussing

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Niall POV

"It's a boy." the doctor said. I'm having a son. My son is in there. I can't believe there really is a baby in there. I can't believe it's my baby. I can't believe I'm going to be dad. "It's a boy." I spoke quietly. I looked at Ellie who had tears forming in her eyes. I kissed her forehead. "Looks like we were both wrong." Ellie said and made me laugh. "Ok so how many pictuers of the ultrasound do you want?" the doctor asked. "Well, there is one for me and one for you. My parents, pretty sure the guys would want one, and Bridgette. Eleanor might want one. And possibly get one in case your parents want one." I said to Ellie and she nodded up untill the last part. "No." she said. I didn't listen to her. "So that's thirteen please." I said. "Alright, I'll be back soon. There is some cloths you can wipe your stomach off with right there." the doctor said leaving the room. "Niall, why would we give my parents one?" Ellie asked seeming mad. I got the cloth and started to wipe off the gel from her stomach. "Because its their grand child Ellie, they should get to have a picture." I said. She seemed angry so I didn't try to argue. "Well they tried to get me to have an abortion Niall. Why should they get to see it?" she said angrily. "I know Ellie. We don't have to give them the picture." I said. She began to calm down. I finished wiping the gel off of her and the doctor came back in with an envelop full of the ultrasound pictures. "Thank you." I said as she handed me the envelop. "Have a good

day you two." the doctor said as we left the room and out the hospital doors. "I can't wait to see the guys reaction to the fact we are having a boy." Ellie said. "Me neither, I bet Louis will be ecstatic." I said honestly. Ellie just nodded. We got in the car and drive home.

Elizabeth POV

Millions of thoughts are running through my mind right now. One, I'm having a baby boy. Niall and I will have a baby boy in about 5 months. Two, my parents again. I don't know about then anymore. Three, what my little boy will get be so michevous having uncle Lou and Haz around. We pulled up to the house and walked in only to get ambushed by a ton of question from, well everyone. Eleanor and Perrie showed up, and so did Ameryn. Then there was a strange person I barely noticed that was still sitting in the couch while everyone else surrounded Niall and I. "Here's the pictures you crazy ass people." I said holding up the envelope. They all calmed down and sat on the couch. I saw her, Miranda just casually sitting on the couch. I swear to god I would punch the shit out of her if I wasn't pregnant. I'm going to do my best and ignore the slut. "Ok so the baby is fine and everything is going according to the book." I said. "Well what is it?" Eleanor asked. "The baby is..." dramatic pause. "it's a..." another one. "It's..." I said again making Niall laugh. "For the love of everything pure and beautiful in this world El say it!" Bridg yelled. "We are having a boy!" I yelled and everyone jumped and cheered, well except Miranada but like I give two shits. "That's great. I knew it was a boy!" Haz said. "You said it was going to be a girl." Bridg said. "No I didn't." he said back. "Yea, you said it while I was playing Fruit Ninja." she said and Harry just stood there. Awkward silence once again. "Well congratulations." he said finally. We all sat back down on the couches and talked about the baby for a while. "So any names? I know it's only been like and hour but you've had to thought of something." Perrie said. "Actually no, I found out it was a boy like an hour ago." I said, she just shrugged. Miranda just scoffed. "Sorry did you say something fugly?" I asked her. "Oh I just thought it was funny how you're just loving all the attention." Miranda said with a smirk. "You think I chose for this to happen?" I asked standing up. "No, I just think its weird how you are soaking up all the attention." Did she just call me an attention whore? I think she did. "You bitch. I can't believe you'd even think that. I'm fucking pregnant and you of all people think I'm an attention whore? I'm an attention whore for telling my friends I'm having a baby boy? I'm an attention whore for being happy? Yea, because that makes sense." I said with my voice getting a bit louder with every word I said. "No I never called you an attention whore. You came up with that all on your own. I just think that you should quit trying to act like you're really loved here. No one here really likes you, they just feel bad because you're pregnant and your own parents abandoned you because of it. They think that if they are here to help you they will be doing the right thing. They really don't like you, Niall doesn't love you. No one likes you, they all wish you'd leave. They all wish you would stop trying to get with Niall. They all wish that you had never came into their lives." she said with a smirk toward the end. I swear to God. I pulled back my fist and before Niall could stop me this time Miranda was on the ground holding her hand on her jaw. "You better be fucking happy I'm pregnant right now you slutty little hoe. If I wasn't you'd be black and blue already. I swear to God you'd better get out of my fucking house and never fucking come back you bitch." I said pouting toward the door. She slowly got up and acted like nothing had happened. She acted like I didn't just win. She still had her hand on her jaw but she walked to the door like she still had some dignity. Once she left I turned to the others that were still in shock. I couldn't get the things Miranda said out of my head. They all started to piece themselves together. No one here really did like me. Niall is still with me because it's his child. Bridgette is here because she's my cousin and she Haz Haz but that's it. None of them really care. No one cares about me anymore. Not my parents. Not my cousin. Not even my boyfriend. While everyone else started talking about the punch I just threw I began to feel sad. So sad I was going to cry. No, they couldn't see me like this! Tears began to fall and I began to sob. I ran up the stairs and I guess everyone saw me. "El! No don't!" Bridg yelled following me up the stairs. "Ellie! Please!" Niall yelled following me as well. I ran to me room and shut the door, locking it behind me. I just balled my eyes out. I wasn't going to hold it in anymore. I honestly didn't think it was my hormones this time. It was all the saddness of my life just falling out of me. All the times I've been so sad or mad, the times I didn't feel loved and the times I wanted to kill myself just coming out in my tears. "Elizabeth! Open the door!" Bridgette yelled. "Ellie! Don't listen to her! She doesn't know anything! We all love you Ellie!" Niall yelled through the door. The tears kept falling. I just sat in the middle of my bedroom floor and let them all come out. I couldn't hold any of it in anymore. How could I have been to blind? How could I have not seen that they all don't care? How could I believe for one second that my life was going to be dandy and problem free? How could I? I finally got enough strength to stand up. When I stood up I found myself in the direction of my full length mirror. Wait, Niall does love me. He does care about me, and not just because I'm having his baby. If he didn't why would he have dated me for over a year? Looking in that mirror made me realize that for so long, I thought only things that this baby could change for the bad. Now, I've noticed that this baby can only make things better for me. I shouldn't listen to Miranda. She knows nothing. I have Niall, and Bridgette, and the boys, and I have the girls. I am truly loved. I don't need my parents because those people that are downstairs worried about me are my family. They are the ones I love the most. They are the ones that love me. Without them, I probably wouldn't be on earth right now. I wiped off the remaining tears off my face and unlocked the door. I went back downstairs to see everyone silently sitting around the living room. The first person to notice my existence was Louis. "Are you alright love?" he asked. I just nodded and a smile came across my face. "What is with the strange smile Ellie?" Niall aked. "I just love all of you guys." I said and Louis ran up and gave me a hug. Soon after Niall joined and so did everyone else in the room. "You are loved Ellie. Don't let some jealous actress from the states tell you you're not. All of us here love you." Niall said as the group hug diminished. "I love you guys so much." I said. Niall came back up to me and kissed me and whispered, "I love you."

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