Born of Water Chapter 25

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Ria smiled to see Lavinia arrive hand in hand with Darag. Drufforth was just waking, the mist not having burned off the harbor yet. Ria had been working to load the boat the last two days, ever since the Kith had returned it to the water and double checked their work when the hull was submerged. It sat loosely tied to the wharf and ready for the journey south.

It hadn't been the packing that had kept Ria from seeing her best friend. She had barely seen Lavinia since the night of the dance, except for when Darag came to help work on the boat. Then Lavinia had come along too, sitting on the beach next to Ria and glowing with overflowing happiness. It had sharpened her eyes to the twinkling blue of a summer's day as well as honed her wit. It made Ria miss Lavinia all the more when she walked back to Lus na Sithchaine, but Ria could not begrudge Lavinia her time there. Ria would have Lavinia with her for weeks, maybe months, surely not a year. Darag was to stay behind.

The first time Lavinia had arrived in Drufforth after the dance, Ty had looked from Lavinia's hand held in Darag's to his sister. Lavinia rocked onto her tiptoes and kissed Darag lightly before letting him go. Her gaze stayed on his back as he walked down the wharf with Nuin. Ty's eyes narrowed further.

"So, you are dating him now?" Ty asked, angrily.

"Yes, something like that."

Ty had stalked off, anger radiating from him. Lavinia was completely unaffected. She smiled and took Ria's hand, pulling her along to the beach. The story of the dance and after tumbled from Lavinia's lips. Ria could not say everything sat well with her. The idea of what Lavinia had chosen twisted in her stomach. But Lavinia was happier than Ria had ever seen her. Even when she was serious, her face glowed.

"I'm still going to come with you. You are my best friend. When you are safe from the Church and the Curse, then I'll come back. Darag understands. It will be hard," Lavinia's voice faltered briefly. "But I want to see this through."

"Darag could come with us."

"Can you imagine Ty and Darag on the same boat? We thought the run to Drufforth was bad!" Ria giggled. Lavinia sighed. "No, he agrees. The Kith have to understand that even though we chose each other, we will still be who we are. I love him, but we will have plenty of time together."

Ria's heart throbbed at that thought. Darag and Lavinia would have centuries together. Both teary eyed over the same idea, Ria and Lavinia clung to each other until happier inspiration flooded in.

Now, it was time to go. Ty paced on deck, his restless steps only stopping when he saw his sister emerge from the woods. He scowled when he saw her at Darag's side. Lavinia held Darag's hand so tightly Ria could see her knuckles were white. If the grip was painful, Darag didn't show it.

Niri greeted Darag, giving him a gentle hug before reaching for the small bundle containing the last of Lavinia's things from Lus na Sithchaine.

"Laith Lus sent a book for you as well," Darag told her.

"Thank him for me. I hope to come back with Lavinia and stay awhile longer."

"Then I hope to see you very soon," Darag said with a smile.

Ria opted for a handshake, her feet never leaving the boat. Ria knew Lavinia loved Darag, but she felt awkward around him. Tall and with broad shoulders, Darag was lithely built and moved with the self-assured grace of hunters Ria had seen passing through her parents' estate. With Lavinia by his side, the thrumming power he shed was more rounded and encompassing. But strong nonetheless. Not even Laith Lus unnerved Ria as much.

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