Born of Water Chapter 21

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It was something in the way Beite spoke about the coming dance, her fingers weaving strands of Lavinia's hair into braids. Lavinia didn't wanted her hair braided, but after Darag left so abruptly, she wasn't sure what to do with herself. When Beite came back to her house, she insisted on helping Lavinia get ready for the nightly community dinner.

Beite talked about Cuileann.

"I just hope he asks me to dance, just once. But all the girls flirt with him. I'll never stand a chance! You know he can choose next year? He'll never wait for me."

Beite said the words lightly, but the word choose sent a quiver of turmoil through Lavinia's stomach.

"How old are you then, Beite?"

"Only forty-five. I cannot choose for another ten years."

Lavinia's heart hammered. "So Cuileann must be fifty-four?"

Beite finished braiding and flopped on the bed next to Lavinia. She drew her knees up to her chest, face unusually troubled without her normal lighthearted smile. Up until that moment, the idea of choosing had seemed from Beite's enthusiastic talk not so serious. An uncomfortable idea started to take root in Lavinia's mind.

"Your brother could have chosen by now," she said.

Beite sighed and picked at the coverlet on her bed. Loose strands rewove themselves under her fingers. "Oh, there is no reasoning with him. It isn't even like he enjoys the attention. Half the girls moon over him, but he rarely dances and never flirts. Mother tells me to leave him alone, but I know she worries, too. He isn't like Cuileann or Laireag. I know they will choose soon."

"Well, we can at least see if they will dance with you tomorrow night." The suggestion returned a smile to Beite's face.

Darag wasn't at the dinner. For a few minutes, no one showed Lavinia any deference, as if they were waiting for something. Beite bit her lip and looked into the darkness. And then Laireag had invited Lavinia to sit with him. After that, the night had gone on as it had the last three.

Cuileann brought her mulled cider with a charming smile, but his eyes slid sideways as if he too were looking for someone. Lavinia spoke to the same Kith lads she did every night, Beite by her side. Suileag stopped by, her expression kind as she chatted with her daughter. Even she glanced toward Lavinia several times. Lavinia felt like everyone was holding their breath, waiting. She was aware of every look, every breeze, every laugh, the feel of grass beneath her feet, the solid wood of the table, and Darag's absence most of all.

Laith Lus's answers given the next day only helped to a small degree. Yes, Kith chose one love for life. And when life was measured in centuries, it was advisable to make that a careful choice. Yes, foreigners had been chosen before and had lived with the Kith in Lus na Sithchaine. It wasn't unheard of, was even welcomed, but did not always work out. Without a tree, both partners relied on the health and longevity of just one. A troubled marriage could cause a tree to sicken. The sudden addition of years, outliving relatives and siblings, caused strain and sadness that had no cure. But it had also worked out enough times that such a match wasn't forbidden.

Laith Lus had smiled at her warmly, taking her hand.

"There is no pressure, child. I did not invite you here to choose or to be chosen, but to spend time with us and take a break from the journey you have taken up. You are young yet, even if old enough for such things as love. It is not always necessary that we Kith be only serious. Laugh, flirt, bring us your joy, and we will be glad of it."

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