Born of Water Chapter 3

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Lavinia hesitated at the fountain's edge. Niri, Ria, and Ty had hidden in the darkness of a colonnaded gallery, waiting. Realizing Lavinia had returned, Ria darted from Ty's arms into the swirling mist of the courtyard before Ty could stop her. Ty followed after, glancing into the darkness of fog choked alleyways. As Niri approached, Lavinia held out her hand and dropped a small black lump into Niri's palm.

"It is all they had. Is it big enough?"

Niri nodded, feeling the solid weight of the cool stone in her fingers. It was not the size but the rock itself that mattered.

"Wait here around the pool. You'll be able to see and hear, but not be seen so do not worry." Niri spoke while she slipped off her plain leather shoes and sat on the chipped granite edge.

"Wait." Ty hissed. "What are you about to do?" Anger seethed around the words, barely restrained by Lavinia's hand on his arm.

Niri paused. They hadn't discussed what would happen, not during the walk to the pool or the wait for Lavinia. They had barely spoken. The unresolved issue of what Ria had done was paramount so that all else was left as unimportant. Now, Niri pondered how to explain.

"I'm going to speak to someone who will know what happened. He can tell us if Ria is in danger."

"Do you trust him?" Ty asked, hostility reduced at the reminder of the risk to Ria's life.

Niri held his gaze without wavering. She could not give him any reason to doubt her. "Yes, with my life."

With a short hesitation, Ty stepped back. She guessed the thought that she might be about to betray them must have gone through all their minds. For a second, she had considered it. Niri could confess everything that had occurred. A part of her wanted to.

But if everything worked out, the three would be gone running from the Curse or Niri would have a new Elemental for the Church. Either way, she would soon be back to her chambers in the public complex. Tomorrow she would begin her jouney home to Solaire. It would all be over in a few hours on this, the shortest night.

Niri swung her feet, slipping them into the pool. The comfort was immediate. The water welcomed her, soothing the turbulent doubt and sense of time slipping away in its calming embrace. She was one with the water, a part of it, and it was a part of her.

When she reached the center of the fountain, she turned to the three. They stood shoulder to shoulder at the water's edge, no longer spirited youths on an adventure. Instead, worry and questions separated them though they stood side by side.

All three gasped as Niri looked at them. She knew what had happened but had forgotten to warn them. Her brown eyes had changed to become the color of the sea under a bright sky, illuminated even in the darkness of night. The effect was startling. Caused by such a complete joining with her element, it was only the beginning of the strange things they were about to witness.

"Stay quiet, stay near. You won't be seen, I promise." Her voice now held undertones of waves, echoing as though part of Niri spoke from deep in the water. All three moved closer together and nodded as one, wide-eyed as children again.

The water surrounding her pulled at her consciousness. From where she knelt in the center, Niri focused herself, calling upon the years of training to continue with her task. With a thought, the liquid surface leapt up around her, forming a watery skin like a bubble. It began at the stone edge of the pool and rose to a few feet over her head. Within the protective sphere, Niri found it easier to concentrate.

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