Cat Burglar

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Teams RWBY, BBAA, and Esther were watching the news, and heard a report of a cat burglar.

"Reports of a cat burglar being on the prowl in Vale have flooded the police department this week. Whether these claims are legitimate or simply a yarn, citizens are encouraged to stay indoors."

Yang then turned off the TV and everyone looked at Blake.

"Um," said Bendy, "Blake, do you know...?"

"Seriously guys?" asked Blake, "you're gonna call me a cat burglar just because I'm part cat? That's real mature."

"Well, the image kind of looked like you without your bow," said Alex.

Blake then walked away, while taking some objects while saying, "You know, I have half a mind to report you to Glynda. What you're doing is profiling."

Everyone stared at each other, until Blake came back, and stole the remote, and took off on Yang's Motorcycle.

"BREAKING NEWS: Police have engaged the alleged cat burglar in a high speed chase. The suspect is fleeing on a yellow motorcycle with what appears to be a cartoonishly large amount of stolen goods falling from the bike. What will they think of next? Back to you Cyril."

"Maybe an anthropomorphic cucumber as a super hero with plungers on his head teams up with Team RWBY while bringing moral lessons with him?" asked Bendy.

"Wait," said Alex, "Are we seriously not gonna ask how the TV turned itself back on?"

Everyone looked at each other.


Weiss was ice skating in the court yard, and had a beautiful smile on her face. What she was skating on, was a pool with the rest of her team, Bendy, Alice and Boris frozen in the water.

"So, this is the last time we invite her to the pool, right?" asked Yang.

"Yep," replied the others.

"Hmph," said Weiss smirking.

"Well, I think she skates nicely," said Silhouette.

"Shut up," said Bendy, "You're only saying that because you also skate."

Silhouette then rolled his eyes.


Blake took Gambol Shroud from it's sheath, and she threw it to Yang, who caught it, and pulled back, and Ruby looked at the string.

The ribbon then went up, and Ruby jumped over it while singing, "Jaune be nimble, Jaune be quick, Jaune fell over the candle stick!"

Jaune then came with a crutch and leg cast, while saying, "Blake be nimble Blake be quick, Blake needs to learn to PICK UP AFTER HERSELF, WHEN SHE'S DONE READING!!!!"

"Calm down man," said Kathy, "I'm sure it was an accident."


Yang came into her dorm and saw Blake.

"Hey Blake," said Yang, "I got you something."

Yang then held out a ball of yarn.

"Really?" asked Blake, "What, do you really expect me to roll around on the floor and play with that?"

"AWW YEAH!!!!" cried Ruby, as she grabbed and played with the yarn, "THIS IS THE BEST!!!!"

Bendy then came onscreen and said, "Told you Ruby would take it and not Blake."


Zwei was sniffing the ground, looking for something. Boris was in the hall, and he said, "Hey Zwei, what ya doing?"

Zwei then barked, and Boris said, "Looking for a chew toy? I might be able to help with my tracker."

Boris then pulled out a tablet, but the battery was dead.

"Huh," he said, "Guess it's the old fashioned way then."

Boris then got on all fours, and sniffed with his nose flopping up and down on the ground.

"Zwei!" yelled Yang from the hall.

Zwei then ran out.

"Bye buddy," said Boris. Blake then came from behind the lamp.

"Oh, hi Blake," said Boris, "have you seen a chew toy?"

Blake then sighed.

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