Magnetic Personality

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Ruby walked in the kitchen with a jar of pickles, only she can't open the lid.

She does the spit hand thing, but it just makes her spin, and fly off.

She then gets a wrench, but it still won't come off.

Ruby throws the jar down, only for it to bounce back up at her.

Ruby then comes with Alex who has Dynomite.

"So, you sure you want this?" he asked.

"Yes," said Ruby.

They then put the Dynomite next to the jar, and go at least to the court yard, and blow it up.

They come back to see the whole kitchen in ash, but the jar is still intact.

Ruby had enough!

She then uses Crescent Rose to slice the jar open, and it does.

She squeals in happiness, until she eats one.

"ACK!! DILL!!"

"Dill?" asked Boris, he then starts munching on them.


Yang walks by, and she looks in the mirror. She feel like she's getting a bit flabby. She then works out to music, with Bendy blowing a whistle to the beat.

(1:01 to 1:22)

(1:16) "C'MON YANG, MY GRANDMA CAN RUN FASTER THAN YOU!! No seriously, she's where my speed comes from."

"Good day Yang," said Bendy, "I suspect you lost at least 15 lbs today."

"Thanks," she said as she got a water.

They then see Nora eat a giant cake whole, and she becomes fat.

"Wow, she could also use some e..."

Nora then burps, and she reverts back to her original size.

"......Never mind," said Bendy.

Yang then gets mad, and crushes her water.


Pyrrha is washing the dishes, when Nora says, "Hey Pyrrha!"

Pyrrha then screams, and has all the pots, the coffee maker, oven, and even Gamma go straight into Nora.

"I'm sorry," said Pyrrha, getting back up.

"We're going on a hike!" sang Nora, "We're going on a Hike! Today's the day, hip-hip, HOORAY! WE'RE GOING ON A HIKE!!"

Nora then speeds off, leaving Jaune, Ren, Steve, Kathy and Silhouette behind.

"It's been hours, and we still haven't made it out of Beacon yet," said Ren.

"Hey don't look at me, this stupid compass must be broken! Keeps leading us in circles! SEE!?! NOW IT'S TELLING ME NORTH IS BACK THAT WAY!!!"

Jaune then points and his hand follows Pyrrha as she walks on screen.

"Um, Jaune," said Kathy.

Jaune then looks at Pyrrha, and then the compass, and says, "Oh."

Pyrrha realizes what happened, and says, "I'm sorry!"

In the background, Nora is just messing around like she's queen of the castle.

Pyrrha is in her dorm, using her semblance on her spear, when Jaune scares her and she launches it into the light. She turns to see Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Alex with a stalk of VHS tapes.

"We found them under an old shelf. Wanna help sort through them and see what's on them?" asked Jaune.

Pyrrha was skeptical.


"Let's head down to the courtyard!" said Ruby.

Somehow, everyone was able to fit in the elevator. Ruby went to push the button, but she saw many other lower levels.

She then saw Super Secret Vault, DO NOT ENTER!

Ruby looked to Bendy, Yang, Alex, Gamma, and Kathy, who were nodding yes, while Blake and Weiss were confused, and the rest were saying no.

The doors opened, and they saw some pods, and the shop keeper cleaning.

Ruby then hits the ground level button, and when the door closes, Bendy says, "Well that was a waste of time."

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