Fighting Game

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Bendy, Ruby and Yang were all playing a fighting game, when Yang won.

"Yes!" said Yang, "And that's how you do it. Alright, we're all tied up, now it's time to find out who the real winner is. You know, when this is all over, maybe I could teach you a couple combos."

In the background, Zwei could be seen dragging Blake.

"Why is Zwei pulling Blake?"

"Zwei! What did I say, Blake is NOT a chew toy!!"

Zwei barked, and Boris translated, "He said, Yes she is."

Ruby the swiped Bendy and Yang's scrolls, and giggled, until Yang went ablaze.

"Nope," said Bendy, running off.

"Uh oh," said Ruby nervously.


Ruby was carving her ice sculpture for the contest, and she looked over to see Weiss use her dust to make an ice Grimm, Blake make an ice self-replicate, Bendy using his speed to make a statue of the Dream Team, and Alice using her maiden powers to make an ice portrait.

Ruby gave up, and walked away, grumbling, "Look at me, I use dust, I have a cool semblance, I have super speed, I have magic! Life's so easy!"


Yang was pushing in a gift wrapped box, and Blake turned to see her, and asked, "What's this, another cat toy?"

"I felt bad about the other day," said Yang, "So I got you a little something."

"You didn't have to do that," said Blake.

She opened it to reveil a tea set.

"Yang, this is so sweet."

"I wasn't sure if it was your style or not. I hope you like it."

"I love it."

"I hope it's big enough."

Kathy and Gamma then came in, and Kathy asked, "Hey girls, what's going on?"

"Oh Blake is just looking over the gift I got her. I wasn't sure of what to give her. I was going to give her a Vale press, but then I remembered Weiss is more into coffee and you're more into tea, so when I saw that tea set, I knew I just had to..."

"Comrade Blake is more interested in the box," said Gamma.

Everyone turned to see Blake smiling inside the box.

"So now she behaves like a cat," said Kathy.


Yang was playing a video game on her scroll, when Weiss came and poked her with a stick.

Ruby then came, and poked Yang again.

Blake, Bendy, Boris, Alice, Esther and Alex repeated the process, but Yang kept her cool.

Alex then kept poking her, and said, "C'mon, go mad."

Yang's eye then twitched, and she took a breath, and sighed.

Alex then got out a megaphone, and yelled in her ear, "GO MAD ALREADY FIRECRACKER!!!!!"

"SHUT UP ALEX!!!!" yelled Yang, hair on fire.

Everyone then got marshmallows, and roasted them. Bendy and Alice cuddled next to each other, as did Alex and Esther.

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