Sissy Fight

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Team RWBY and BBAA were together, and everyone was dress as each other. Ruby was Weiss, Weiss was Ruby, Blake was Yang, Yang was Blake, Bendy was Alex, Boris was Bendy, Alice was Alex, and Alex was Alice.

"Great costume party sis," said Yang.

"Yeah, I think it turned out pretty good."

"So, why did I have do dress as Alice?" asked Alex annoyed.

"Because we drew straws," said Boris.

Just then, Jaune cleared his throat, and everyone saw him dressed as Weiss.

"Well," said Jaune, "One of us is gonna to have to change."

"LOOKIN HOT!" said Nora from off screen.


Blake was cleaning her ears, when she felt something on her head. She reached up to remove it, but soon enjoyed the motion it was doing. Her cat ears then folded down in happiness. It was revealed Alex was petting Blake.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I just like petting anything that's cat, dog, or anything that's a hybrid of them."


Ruby was building a house of cards, when Weiss slammed the door open and asked, "Ruby, did you take my notebook?"

Weiss then looked to the side, and said, "Oh, here it is, never mind."

She then slammed the door, knocking the house of cards over.


Weiss was finished cleaning the kitchen, and Ruby then stomped in with muddy boots. The two then sneered at each other.


Ruby was in the courtyard, throwing sticks for Zwei.

"Ruby Rose!" said Weiss.

Ruby turned to see Weiss staring at her, and she said, "I have tolerated your foolishness for too long!!"

"The foolishness compares not to-" stuttered Ruby, "The- the foolishness of which you fooled!!"

Weiss then bore an unreadable confused expression and said, "What?"


They stood staring, was Zwei rolled by.

"Wait, why is Zwei the Tumble Weed?" asked Bendy.

Ruby pulled out Crescent Rose, and Weiss pulled out Myrtenaster, and the two jumped up,... only to drop their weapons and kitty fight.

"Heh heh heh," said Bendy, "Amateurs."

He was then hit in the back of the head by a white ball.

"OW!!" he yelled, "WHAT THE HECK SIL!?!?"

"You wanna have a battle race?" asked Silhouette.


"Because you don't ask someone to fight you when you want to battle them."

Bendy then stood in a daze, and said, "Oh yeah, right. Anyways, LET'S GO!!"

Bendy then sped off, with Silhouette not far behind him.

"TOO SLOW!!" said Bendy.

"CHAOS SPEAR!!" yelled Silhouette.


The Dream Team was all walking in town, with Ruby telling a story.

"And I said, 'Now that's a Katana.'"

Everyone then laughed. Ruby then bumped into someone, and said, "Oh sorry."

"Oh," said Ruby, "That's okay......... So, yeah, where was I?"

"Okay, hold on a minute," said Alice, "That guy, he didn't look right, did he?"

"Yeah, like he was..."

"COVERED IN SHADOWS!!" said the whole team.

"OH MY GOSH, THANK YOU!!" said Ruby.

"I thought I was the only one," said Weiss.

"No, I see them everywhere," said Yang.

"Also, a lot of them seem to look like you girls," said Kathy.

Everyone then turned to see a copy of Ruby in shadows.

"Awkward," said Alex.

"I know, right," said Steve.

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