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~{This is my first RadioDust Fan-fic so please no harsh words! I'm welcome to suggestions and constructive criticism though! But I do hope you enjoy this tidbit to introduce where our story begins! ♥}~

It's been hours since Angel came running into the hotel. He went to his room, and didn't come out till a half an hour later, then just walked to the balcony at the end of the hallway. Efficient how it was only a few feet away from his room. But if he ran when we talked to him then he could easily go to his room, lock the door, and shut us out in a matter of seconds.

Luckily he hadn't. But... He didn't exactly answer when we talked to him. two hours ago, I dragged Vaggie, Niftty, and even husk-though only for a minute- with me to attempt to get him inside. A few minutes ago Niftty went back to cleaning.

"Come on angel! It's getting cold out. You should come inside. Get some rest." He didn't say anything.
Or move. "Vaggie, he's been like this for hours. I know you don't like him that much, but we can't just leave him here!" She sighed before giving a slight nod. "As much as I hate to say this, maybe we should see if Alastor could magic Angel to come in, or something." She responded reluctantly; while moving her fingers in a motion like she was casting a spell of some sort.

"Great idea! He could go all, *POOF!* And Angel would be all happy~ and smile~ and come inside for some cocoa! And-" She put her hand over my mouth to stop me from babbling more. "Lets go then hun."

I looked back one last time at the unmoving Angel.
He was in the same spot. Staring at the city. No movement... "Alrighty." I said, taking Vaggie's hand and walking off.

~{That's all for now! The next chapter will be longer i promise! ^^ Ciao}~

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