Chapter Three

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~{I would like to say, I'm working on another fanfic; but it's short. So I'm thinking of making a book of RadioDust one-shots! Whatcha think?}~

          ~~~~~~Angel ~~~~~~

  I looked up at the darkening sky, and let out a small content sigh. This is nice... The I caught a whiff of something.

   "Roses?" There where no roses in Hell.... "Hm?" I realized i had spoken out loud. "O-oh! I thought I smelt roses. But there are no roses in Hell; so I'm probably being silly." I turned my head to face him.

  Alastor smiled. "Is that a bad thing?" why the Hell is this work smiling? "N-no. I mean-yes! I mean." I sighed . "It's not a bad thing. I love roses. But there isn't none down here so that ain't so good." I shrugged. "Well then!" Alastor chuckled. "I suppose i chose the right cologne!~"

  The fuck?! Did he just- "And there are roses in hell my dear!" He waved his hand around, and a single pink rose appeared in his hand. "You just have to ask." He handed me the rose, and it began to glow as the sky became darker. "Wow! I-its so pretty Al!"
I smiled wide. I haven't seen a rose in ages! "Thanks a bunch!"

  "You're quite welcome. I'm glad you like it." I admired the flower in my hand for a little longer, before putting it in my hair. "How do I look?" I laughed; putting one hand behind my head, and sticking out my lips. Alastor smirked and pecked my lips. "Stunning." I blushed heavily, and felt my face burn up  up like a tomato. I noticed a deep red on his face as well.

  I didn't think I'd eva do it....     
         But I fell in love...

~{Sorry it's so shortttt!!! But we 're nearing the end of our story!}~

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