Chapter Two

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I took my coat off, and put it over Angel's shoulders. He looked at me, confusion in his gaze.

"Thanks Al..." Angel said shyly. "Of course my dear! We wouldn't want you to catch a cold now would we?" I smiled a small, yet genuine smile.

"I'll only ask one more time. You do not need to answer. And i will leave you be to sit in silence. But if you do... I'll listen." He looked back over at the city. "Why are you out here all alone, and ignoring the girls?..." He didn't respond. But after a little while he took a deep breath and sighed. "Well..." He started slowly. But his words quickly sped up, as tears rolled down his cheeks...

"I-I fuckin hate it heá! People wont stop hitting on me, or judging me! I can't go to the store to get my pig food without being stared and laughed at! My job is a nightmare, with Val always breathing down my neck and all the yelling gives me fucking headache!" I wasn't good at comforting people... But he looked so sad and pitiful...

I pulled him close, his head resting on my chest.
Hopefully I'm doing it right... He hadn't seemed to notice, and continued talking though his croaking voice. "I'm addicted to drugs but it hurts my whole body! Like I'm overdosing again, but I can't die!"

"I don't mean to hurt anyone with what I do; honest! But i get so defensive after how my pops treated and still does treat me! Life and death I'm a failure..." I sighed. "Don't say that. You are not a failure!" I paused not knowing if I should even be nice....

But felt bad for him. He is always so carefree and selfish... But right now he was crying. Looking almost small in my arms. "I just don't know what to do!..." He clenched his fists and hit his legs. "You never fail to amuse, and make everyone laugh. You are so sweet with Niftty! And you are very persistent. Your not a failure. Mon Ange... You are perfect. He looks sup at me, and suddenly realized the position we were in. He sat up straight. "S-sorry!" He tried to pull away, but instead i held him closer. "Just let it out. I'm here for you." He clenched onto my shirt and cried.

Normally i would complain but for some odd reason i was completely ok with it. I wasn't bothered by my now wet shirt, instead the one who was crying into it. I rubbed circles on Angel's back while he cried. After a little while he had calmed down.

"Thanks Al." We hadn't moved our position, but I smiled. "Of course. You can come to me whenever you feel this way. My room is just the next hallway."

He had moved his head to face me, a smile across his face. He kissed my cheek and rested his head back onto my chest. Wh-what... I felt a light blush spread across my face.

It was around sunset. Hell didn't really have blue skies or rain. But it was black at night, and orangey-red at day. Currently the sky was red, orange, and dark red with white stars beginning to dot the sky.

We sat there in silence, watching the sky change colors for a while, before Angel spoke....

~{WASSUP FUCKERRRS?!! Sorry- XD but this is the end of chapter two, and I'm loving writing this story. ^^ I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I like writing it. Ciao!}~

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