Chapter Six

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~{WARNING: A LOT OF GAY SHIT AHEEEAADD!!! But if you clicked this then you signed up for it. ~ UvU anyways. I rElEaSe yOu To ReAd-}~


   We had just finished our food when I heard talking and footsteps behind us. We were washing our dishes and talking, so I didn't expect the loud screeching sound. Angel was leaning towards the sink so sound made Angel drop his plate, and it shattered sending glass fragments into his eyes and cutting his hand.

  "Ouch!" He yelped. "Angel! Are you alright?" I pulled him towards me and inspected his hands. "Your hand needs to be bandaged." I said gently holding his left hand in mine. ~{Top left}~ "Can you open your eyes darling?" He hissed a little as he struggled to open his eyes. When he did they were redened with the glass fibers causing then to bleed.

   ~{yes yes I KNOW the pink circles under his eyes are actually his other eyes but shh-ok? Just- SHHH. Ū-Ū}~

   "I'll have to remove the shares and heal that... Can you see?" I put one hand up and held up three fingers. "Y-yeah, kinda. But it hurts like a mothafucka!" He shook his head. I glared at the ones who has made the alarming sound in the first place. It was Charlie and Niftty. The looked at each other then at me. "Could you be so kind as to bring some bandages?..." I said, extra static lacing my voice. They nodded and scurried off. I lead Angel over to the small lounge area and to the sofa. "Here sit down for a minute. Niftty and Charlie are grabbing some bandages."

  "Alright smiles." Hurting and still making jokes. It takes strength to deal with pain but still smile.... I thought. "Here!" Charlie and Niftty ran over to us. Charlie with bandages, and Niftty with different products for cleaning the cuts and healing his eyes.

   "This might hurt a little." I said taking a pair of small tweezers. "Try to stay as still as possible." I felt Angel hold my free hand. As I pulled a small shard of glass out of his left eye, he squeezed my hand and hissed. I took one of the products-


   And held up a soft cloth to it. Rubbing the top of Angel's hand with my thumb; I cuffed the cloth and held it to his eye.

         ~{DON'T DO ANYTHING I SAY WITH THE EYE! YOUR SUPPOSED TO SOAK THE EYE IN MILK- .... I tHinK- (But I'm pretty sure the HP and AB are correct for the hand. I am NOT a doctor so-}~

   "Lean your head the smallest bit please." He did as instructed and when his eye came in contact with the (whatever i guess milk T>T) He flinched back. Please keep your eye to it for a few seconds. We can go out later if you would like?.... " I Said as gentle as I could considering the static forced on my voice.

  He nodded and complied. After the process was repeated with his other eye I handed back the (tOoLs?- What he used. I'm tired so please cut me a lil slack XD )- I had uses on his eyes. "Blink a few times. Can you see?" Angel blinked a few times slowly before nodding. "Yeah but it's kinda blurry." His eyes were a shade of red around the edges. "I only have to do your hand now. Ok?" He nodded again. Charlie handed me a bottle and a cotton ball.

  "Thank you." I took the Hydrogen Peroxide and gently dabbed it on his hand with a cotton ball. "Aye! That stings ya'know!" Angel yelled. "Hold still. I'm trying not to hurt you." taking a rag and wiping it. I applied antibiotic and bandaged it up. "There! All better?"

  "Yeah. Thanks Al. You too girls." He said, leaning on my shoulder tiredly. "Yeah and I'm SO SO SOOO SORRY!!" Charlie said practically jumping while she spoke. "Yeah me too! We were just happy you two were getting along so well!" Niftty paused.
"And maaayybeeee because the ship is SAILING!!" She zipped away before we could speak. Taking the medical supplies with her. Charlie stood there nervously for a minute before the doorbell ringed. "I'll get it!" She said running around the corner and to the lobby where the front door was.

   A loud crashing sound came from where Charlie had been going. Me and Angel looked at each other before standing up and rushing towards the room where the sound had originated from. Charlie was on her knees rubbing her head. The cause of  the sudden noise was-

    ~{TAKE THAT! HAH! I'm so evil ÙwÚ ~ (Please don't yell at me-) What do ya think happened? TvT ~ I had stuff to do so I got to this late- sorry! I hope you liked the chapter!}~


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